Are there many Canberra ppls on this site. Is there a club here in the A.C.T. Thanks
Talk to peter bone aka(VWFREAK) on this site he lives down your way and may be able to help you out cheers shane.
Thanks Shane.
Hi Rommel,
Canberra does, in fact, have a VW club, specifically we have the Canberra Chapter of Club VeeDub (based in Sydney). Our new website is up and running
at, have a squiz.
You have just missed our largest event for the year, the German Autofest which was on last weekend.
Our club has cruises, shows and events normally on a monthly basis (give or take), next events are (hopefully) some members driving to Sydney for the
Flat Four Shootout, and then a carshow in Belconnen in late November (Marques In The Park).
Thankyou I will check this out.