Hi all,
I have just high pressure cleaned my 64-66 and found that I have large holes in both floor pans and heater chanals, and I need to replace the
floor pans (or wish the be a Flinstone) and repair the heater chanels, being new to this VW stuff, I'm after some info, cost, and the time required
to do the job.
I have access to welders and such, and I would like to think I would try most things, so I will need alot of direction with this task.
should be lots of pics for heater chennel replacements on net. Just remember not to seperate the body from the pan till it is all lined up and braced or you will never get it straight again. Good Luck
see classic's site they have some nice pics of parts .
and they support the forum
36 Bridge St Rydalmere 2116 NSW
PH 02 96384200 FAX 02 96384266
Thanks for the help, I'll give them a try.
Hi Tony,
If you look up the "Bug Me" video site (see link below), Volume 6 (Floorpan Repair) and Volume 7 (Heater Channel & Panel Replacement) they are a
very good starting point and will definitely give you the push to do it yourself. I have them both and they were a great starting point, but I
didn't need to replace either. I repaired a section of floorpan and heater channels were ok.
Also look on ebay for them (World wide).
Click here for Bug Me site.
Good luck, Kev