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68AutoBug - November 28th, 2008 at 10:51 PM

I received My green slip from the NRMA for My 1968 beetle last week.

It said to Pay the amount of $487-92

I went to the NRMA website and answered all the questions and came up with a price of $290-

My Wife rang the NRMA and the CORRECT amount is $264-35

The same thing happens every year..

the one for 2/12/2006 was $467-93

after phoning I Paid only $226-88

I wonder how many people just pay the amount on their Green slip renewal....


In NSW the Green Slip is the 3rd party personal injury insurance which is paid besides the Registration fees.

Gibbo - November 28th, 2008 at 11:12 PM

Truly dodgy mate, glad you got it sorted,

donn - November 29th, 2008 at 06:26 AM

Not confined to NRMA, I never accept the first price, in years past I have even said to the girl behind the counter that it's not what I was quoted (without haveing been quoted at all) and she has come back with a new, much lower, figure.

Joel - November 29th, 2008 at 10:08 AM

bah u got it easy
spare a though for those of us under 30
it used to be under 25 then when i got passed that the bastards went and changed it to under 30 :grind:

im paying 3 regos a year which is pretty brutal as 2 of them do less than 5000kms a year.
theres a new mob theyre flogging on tv that u pay according to the KMs u do which would be good in my situation but im always sceptical of these newcomers till they get well and truley established with a good reputation

ur right tho Donn ive got my greenslips down sometimes nearly $100 just by making a fuss about there "quoted" prices

ian.mezz - November 29th, 2008 at 10:34 AM

They all do that not just NRMA they are hoping we are all to busy and we just pay it because every body forgets obout their rego until the last day. Which everybody does for some reason:crazy::lol::crazy:

68AutoBug - November 29th, 2008 at 01:08 PM

Originally posted by Joel
im paying 3 regos a year which is pretty brutal as 2 of them do less than 5000kms a year.
theres a new mob theyre flogging on tv that u pay according to the KMs u do which would be good in my situation but im always sceptical of these newcomers till they get well and truley established with a good reputation

One of My Sons looked at that New Pay per KM insurance but it worked out too EXPENSIVE.. as He does too many kms.. I'll have to ask how many KMs He does...

I believe that as you can only drive One car at a time -
the Third party Insurance should be on a Card that You take with You - and it covers the car you are driving..

It could even go so far as to place it on Your windscreen
and it is scanned at unknown places... so You couldn't drive without the card - so
NO Non 3rd party NON Registered cars on the road -

and We could have lots of cars registered with the ONE Card - NEXT - REGISTRATION doing a similar thing..


PS: Better than club rego..

donn - November 29th, 2008 at 01:14 PM

Hey Lee, sounds real sensible to me, after all it is the driver who is the risk not the vehicle, maybe we should get a letter or partition going on that one.

darren-h - November 29th, 2008 at 06:03 PM

Yes Lee, I work in the motor industry, When we issue a green slip on a new car its a standard price $365
But when the cust gets renewal one year later it can be almost double in some cases!
Factors like age of driver and area have an affect. It allways pays to check and shop around!!!

grumble - November 29th, 2008 at 06:30 PM

I agree with most of the coments above , i also sell CTP policies as a sub agent and am stunned by the number of people who come in to pay the figure on the policy.Most times it is the under 30 figure,when they are made aware of this fact ( not by me of course because that is not done) they often take out a new policy with another insurer.I do believe that it is a bad system that discriminates against younger drivers whether they are bad drivers or not.The CTP companies have also added a levy to pay for people such as Sophie Delezio who apparently was not covered by the CTP scheme even though it was a car that ran into the preschool.Allegedly the driver was not at fault brcause he had a turn or some such rot.Now we all pay an insurance levy . Disgusted Les

HotRodMatt - November 30th, 2008 at 07:52 AM

Originally posted by grumble
Most times it is the under 30 figure,when they are made aware of this fact ( not by me of course because that is not done) they often take out a new policy with another insurer.I do believe that it is a bad system that discriminates against younger drivers whether they are bad drivers or not.

Just take 'em to court. It is illegal under the anti-discrimination laws. I did. They laughed. Got writs from a suburban solicitor, turned up at the supreme court still laughing and then saw that I had a famous QC for counsel. They were very very quick to settle (rather generously too) and not have a ruling made against them that stops the whole age discrimination scam.

bitemeoz - November 30th, 2008 at 08:24 AM

yep so they send out what it would cost without 60% no claim and then another 10% off if you have other policies with them. Just hoping people will pay whatever they see first off.

hellbugged - November 30th, 2008 at 08:32 AM

also bonuses for clean driving records.......i almost didn't bother phoning the 1800 number a couple of years back as most often it's a waste of time........pleasant surprise at saving close to $200

ratbug - November 30th, 2008 at 02:19 PM

I have the same problem with the greenslip renewal prices. I hit them up about it one time, and they said it changes because the details of the renewal default to no comprehensive insurance on car, under 25 now the main driver, car now lives in a higher price category suburb. They said all you have to do is renew over the phone, internet, in the branch and confirm the details and they will give you the right price. But yeah, its a bit of a con.

rose - December 1st, 2008 at 07:28 AM

my nrma ctp in the mail was $504.32 I rang up and it was the same as the internet price of $350.
And I rang gio and there's was $292.68 the same as on the internet heaps cheaper.
GIO was the cheapest over the internet. And I also have max no claim full comprehensive.

Matt Ryan - December 1st, 2008 at 07:43 AM

Every year, I always go to the Motor Accidents Authority greenslip price comparison page to see who's cheapest for my car.

Usually, each year, I have to google "greenslip" in order to find the page.

You just type in your details and viola, you get the price from each of the approved insurers and their contact details.

Too easy.

Each year, the insurers seem to take turns at who is the most expensive or cheapest.



amazeer - December 1st, 2008 at 08:08 AM

Originally posted by 68AutoBug
I believe that as you can only drive One car at a time -
the Third party Insurance should be on a Card that You take with You - and it covers the car you are driving..

It could even go so far as to place it on Your windscreen
and it is scanned at unknown places... so You couldn't drive without the card - so
NO Non 3rd party NON Registered cars on the road -

and We could have lots of cars registered with the ONE Card - NEXT - REGISTRATION doing a similar thing..


PS: Better than club rego..

Its even simpler than that. Insure drivers not cars, attach your greenslip to the licence renewal. A lot of money can be lost when doing the logical thing though.

grumble - December 1st, 2008 at 06:59 PM

Amazeer that would be a much better system,but it would also mean that the insurance companies would have to be responsible for claims,at the moment they seem to dodge and negate any claim that is made . It takes years to get a settlement and then the solicitors take the majority anyway leaving the injured party holding the baby. The government will not take any initiative as they are also winners. It is easier to winge and blame the P platers not the stupid judges who give measly penalties for infringements.