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VW wreckers/parts?
AnnaBee - December 3rd, 2008 at 06:30 AM

I have another question (and probably more to follow as I'm getting my bug ready for rego...) where's a good place to get 2nd hand/cheaper parts? Specifically I need a new wheel - I just got new tyres but they refused to put the tyre on the spare wheel as it has a rusted hole in it. So I need to get a new one - but as you can imagine after forking out for a whole new set of tyres I'm feeling a bit poor, so don't want to order a new expensive one if at all possible!

I'm in Coogee, and work in Botany at the moment so the nearer the better but will drive a bit if necessary.

Thank you!

rose - December 3rd, 2008 at 07:07 AM

Go see Vintage Vee Dub at Campsey he will have one for sure for you.

Come visit the team at Vintage Vee-Dub Supplies for all your VW needs.

Unit 1, 11B Harp Street
Campsie NSW 2194

Once you are in Harp Street, look for a service road (with large steel gates) at number 11, and turn in there.

Ph# (02) 9789-1777
(International callers can use 61-2-9789-1777)
Fax# (02) 9718-8704

Mon-Fri 7:30am - 5:00pm
Sat 8:00am - 1:00pm

AnnaBee - December 3rd, 2008 at 07:12 AM

Excellent - thanks for the speedy answer!

Phil74Camper - December 3rd, 2008 at 07:17 AM

Sadly there aren't nearly as many Volkswagen wreckers around now as there were 10 or 20 years ago. There certainly aren't any in Coogee; the closest VW parts place/workshop is probably Wolfsburg Motors at St Peters - 9519 4524.

There used to be a VW workshop called 'VW Village' on Anzac Parade at Randwick, but I don't know if they are still there.

There is a new 'VW repair/service' listing at Botany, called Volk Serv (7-9 Salsbury St, 9666 4037) but I don't know anything about them - they may be modern VW only. Worth giving them a ring though.

You can always get the VW parts you want at Vintage Veedub at Campsie - 9789 1777, or Brooky Parts at Wetherill Park (8788 8800). The place once called Beetle Spares on Marigold St at Revesby has gone completely over to 4WD parts now. They still have a VW sign up but last time I was there they couldn't really help me any more.

A quick look through the Yellow Pages - under 'Auto Parts Recyclers' - doesn't show many VW wreckers any more.

donn - December 3rd, 2008 at 08:05 AM

And obviously there's the parts section on this forum

pod - December 3rd, 2008 at 04:28 PM

what type do you need? wide 5 or 4 stud as i have some spare wide 5`s ,i`m out at Campbelltown though:)