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Aussie dollar up to 70 Cents US again...
68AutoBug - December 18th, 2008 at 07:32 PM

The aussie dollar is on the rise again....

Petrol is going down.....

Woolies in the UK went bust....

Big 3 car makers in USA in trouble...

Electricity is going UP... ??

what a place to live..... lol


PS: but still no traffic lights in Scone..... lol
so I practice wheel spin take offs in My driveway... lol

72kombi - December 18th, 2008 at 07:42 PM

ps. at 90c this smart arse thought he'd get some bits and pieces from bus depot!!! Three months later the order turns up minus a few bits and pieces...... the koni's look good but............

moral of this story, the local guys get my business from now on.........

h - December 18th, 2008 at 10:53 PM

only because the US $ went to shit.. again..
im happy the LAT is traveling at about 3 to 1 of ours..
happy days!!

Phil74Camper - December 19th, 2008 at 10:12 AM

Sorry to hear you had probs with the Bus Depot; they have always been good to me and I haven't had a problem with several large orders over the years. But that was when we were 75-80 US cents. Not worth it at the moment.

Which is a pity as I'm after 4 shocks and 4 complete CVs for my Kombi...

I also heard that Toyota also posted a billion dollar loss for the last half year. I haven't heard any news on how VW is doing. Aussie VW sales are up this year on last year's 27,400. I wonder how close they will go to breaking the all-time record set in 1964 (31,419) ?

72kombi - December 19th, 2008 at 04:57 PM

Yep, current exchange rate and it makes no sense at all.

Over a dozen emails with bus depot and some of the worst customer service I've ever come across, although when I cracked a mental towards the end they did express post at their expense...... should have read the samba feedback on them first.

Have picked stuff up from bus stop, vintage and locally in sa, great service.....

68AutoBug - December 19th, 2008 at 05:58 PM

CIP1 and CB Performance have excellent service

BFY isn't recommended...

evw is also recommended..


grumble - December 19th, 2008 at 08:00 PM

Cip1wanted photocopies of front and back of my mastercard and the code number.I sent a money order. they then sent my parts to 2340 postcode instead of 2430,it was then listed as business closed and parts for return,Australian air express then sent them to the local agent who put them on a shelf and thats where they stayed until i made about 59 phone calls and then discovered that the bloody parts were here for the last 2 weeks.Bullshit I won't deal with them again.

izac - December 19th, 2008 at 08:43 PM

yeah good time ti buy my disc brake kit!! :yes:

anyone had any experience with

68AutoBug - December 20th, 2008 at 12:17 AM

Grumble - You are wasting money with money orders..

All Your Information comes from the ON LINE ORDER - so Your Name and address etc all comes from Your On line ORDER... Your address etc cannot be changed --
Unless You didn't do an On line Order...

the BEST way to pay for parts from the USA or UK is

the ONLY WAY... no problems... Simple..
comes off your Mastercard...

You will find that many VW shops in the USA
will only send parts to the address listed on Your Mastercard....


I did find that many smaller shops in the USA don't want to send parts out of the USA...


Wolfsburg west - CIP1 - evw - CB Performance -

Bookwus - December 20th, 2008 at 04:19 AM

Hiya Lee,

.......I did find that many smaller shops in the USA don't want to send parts out of the USA...

Yeah! It really helps to have someone in the States who can "leg" the parts from these shops down to you. Which reminds me.............I do have some parts for you Lee.

1303Steve - December 20th, 2008 at 09:41 AM


I think Paypal charges more than the exchange rate that you get on a credit card. A non VW place in the US wants me to pay via wire transfer, sounds very wild west.

The really good thing about CIP is that you can put everything in your cart and see how much it will cost instantly.


68AutoBug - December 20th, 2008 at 10:09 PM

Hi Mike

Funny where you can turn up .... lol
I'm hoping the $AU will go higher in relation to the US Dollar... it was up around 90 cents at one stage this year....
it really makes a difference when You add up the parts in a CIP1 basket... and change them into AUS dollars...
nearly doubled a couple of weeks ago..


Originally posted by Bookwus
Hiya Lee,

.......I did find that many smaller shops in the USA don't want to send parts out of the USA...

Yeah! It really helps to have someone in the States who can "leg" the parts from these shops down to you. Which reminds me.............I do have some parts for you Lee.

ztnoo - December 21st, 2008 at 01:07 AM

I don't know what the rates were when you first posted, but the latest I see today:

Live rates at 2008.12.20 15:01:12 UTC
1.00 AUD = 0.680110 USD
1 USD = 1.47035 AUD 

Bookwus - December 21st, 2008 at 04:21 AM

Hiya Lee,

Originally posted by 68AutoBug
Funny where you can turn up .... lol
I'm hoping the $AU will go higher in relation to the US Dollar... it was up around 90 cents at one stage this year....
it really makes a difference when You add up the parts ia CIP1 basket... and change them into AUS dollars...
nearly doubled a couple of weeks ago..

Originally posted by Bookwus
Hiya Lee,

.......I did find that many smaller shops in the USA don't want to send parts out of the USA...

Yeah! It really helps to have someone in the States who can "leg" the parts from these shops down to you. Which reminds me.............I do have some parts for you Lee.

No problem. They're sitting here on the shelf and they shall comfortably stay there until the US dollar devalues or the cows come home. Are you planning on doing some more stateside purchasing?

68AutoBug - December 21st, 2008 at 10:38 AM


I am planning more purchases from the US..

Our Dollar is 68.55c at the moment..

I spoke too soon....


ztnoo - December 31st, 2008 at 09:03 PM

Looks like the Aussie dollar may be trending upward again.
This morning's rate:
1 AUD = 0.692520 USD
1 USD = 1.44400 AUD 

Another rate exchange thread:
What Has Happened To The Aussie Dollar? 


ztnoo - January 1st, 2009 at 06:11 AM

It hit 70 cents today.

Live rates at 2008.12.31 20:07:57 UTC
1 AUD = 0.708628 USD
1 USD = 1.41118 AUD

ztnoo - January 4th, 2009 at 02:24 AM

Still headed upward.......

1 AUD = 0.711288 USD
1 USD = 1.40590 AUD
Live rates at 2009.01.03 16:20:35 UTC

1303Steve - January 4th, 2009 at 09:44 AM


You can track the AU$ here and also look at historical data as well and have laugh or a cry. 


68AutoBug - January 4th, 2009 at 11:30 AM


I hope it keeps going..
