This is a farm I went to out in Molong (South of Bathurst),
another crazy collector. He drove every car onto the field and then left it there. Almost everyone of them was registered at the time it was parked.
There are acres of cars, hundreds of cars most people have barely heard of let alone seen before. Borgwards, Jensens, 3 extremely rare Goggomobil
coupes, a really old Aluminium bodied Alvus race car and more Citroens than you can shake a stick at.
Apparently the Borgward Club of Australia came along a few years ago and said to this bloke name you're price and we'll take all the Borgwards off
you're hands, to which he replied f**k off. He's dead now so maybe someone can get something out of them. I opened the door of one Isabella and
grabbed the bakelite steering wheel and it crumbled in my hands like it was made of washing powder, so I think most are pretty much stuffed.
Just realy sad
i dont like this man.... very selfish
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at least they are still around for someone to restore. from the pics they actually look fairly good as far as rust goes.
there must be some people rubbing their hands with glee thinking about getting into that collection.
any idea what is going to happen to them all?
From the looks of things the cars have all been numbered as if there is to an auction soon , plus i'mm pretty much betting that , that well mown
grass wasn't so well mown before the auctioneers got to it to see what exactly was there.
Mind you though with the inland location of Bathurst as sugested above a lot of those bodys could be in quite good nick
The cars were numbered a few years back simply to take stock of what was actually there and to catalogue them. The guy seemed to be a fan of Aluminium bodies cars and fibreglass ones like old Lagondas and Goggomobils, the aluminium ones will never rust out so they can still be restored, as for the gogos....the sun isn't kind to plastic and fibreglass so they have degraded to the point were you could put your boot through them. The guy had so much f*cking money he could have easily built a huge barn or 2 to house them all but he didn't for whatever reason. His daughter is now caretaker of the estate and has been mowing the lawns regularly, that said, it has never been overgrown like you'd expect, someone has been taking care of the collection as if it were a museum for as long as it has existed. The place is just bizarre, and I'm fairly confident that all the cars are still there. Its funny, the grounds keeper there led us around the place and said that they'd never sell any of the cars because they didn't want some "greedy" club people selling them on and making a whole lot of money out of them. Which is just a retarded attitude, club people aren't in it for the money, they are in it for the love of the car and want to see them back on the road. I mean bloody hell, (correct me if I'm wrong) they only made some 25 Goggomobil coupes and this wally has 3 of them rotting in a field!!! If it werent for the dry climate out there, there would really be nothing left of these cars.
Should be laws against this! I guess his original intent may have been to save them ( commendable ) - but what a waste...There are so many paddocks
around with roting treasures ..Some are great sources of parts or projects - but others like this where the owner does nothing.... such a waste..I
guess we are all a bit one-eyed too..
I've uploaded a few more pics, check out borgward 's version of the type 2, would look great slammed with white walls.
Kinda wierd I reckon, some are obviously in a garage or shed, some are even covered with a tarp or some sort of cover, then there are Renault 12s and Peugeot 404s, fine vehicles sure but hardly colectable in the sense that there are 100s of them round.