Seen in a carpark in the USA by a mate of mine in November.
Only in America.
I've seen something similar in Adelaide, but without the extra bit of roof over-hang or the exposed motor. It was nicer than thi one though. I think
someone may have been charging for ride on it or something as it had 2 backseat passengers. I think I've seen others but I can't remember.
i think its pretyy sweet!!
Driver's seat could be fun when cornering hard!!
Here's one from the 70's....groovy baby
That last one is awesome
Yep...that last one is pretty groovy
US seems to pump these aerodynamic wonders out like theyre going out of fashion
that yellow one would corner like a bucket of shit
theres not enough rake on the front end for the length of the wheelbase
In 1997 I spotted this type 3 trike in Port Augusta, driven by some fella in his late 60's. He had it filled to the brim with luggage. Note the price
of petrol *sigh*