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12v single speed wiper motor. do they exist?
Anthiron - September 5th, 2009 at 03:37 PM

i know you can get 12 volt 2 speed wipers but im wondering if u can get 12v single speed units?

or does the 2 speed unit bolt up to the single speed arms?

recently burnt out a 6v unit that had worked for years with an in line resistor. got another one that worked (thanks bernie) but it burnt out pretty quick. id really like to go 12v and do away with the resistor.


whatnow - September 5th, 2009 at 09:32 PM

i managed to fit a 12V 2 speed wiper to my 6V unit, it was 10+ years ago now though so i can't remember what needed to be done.

or you could try this:

Matt Ryan - September 6th, 2009 at 12:01 AM


You can get an aftermarket 12volt armature that fits the 6volt motor. That will give you a 12 volt single speed wiper motor.

George has them listed on his site (Classic Vee Dub)

part no: CVD-113955811B

I'm sure some of the other shops have them too - Vintage Vee Dub, Mick motors, etc.



68AutoBug - September 6th, 2009 at 12:01 AM

I don't think We had 12 volt single speed wipers in Australia...

the German made 65-66 or 67 beetles may have had 12 volt single speed wipers but the wiper arms would be different
as they were usually LHD..

so, You could try a 1968 two speed wiper motor...
maybe it would fit to the original arms ??
but the two speed is only the motor wiring...
the 68 beetles had the same size shaft as early beetles..
and a grub screw holds the wipers onto the shaft

on the other hand, try using Two coil resistors off early Fords etc... in series... will help the 6 volt wiper motor

best of Luck


Anthiron - September 6th, 2009 at 03:28 PM

matt ryan thats what i need. cheers mate.
