Does everyone on here wave to other ACVW drivers, and how many get waves back.
All the time and most times I get a wave back.
I wave all the time. Usually get ignored by kombi drivers though and if I am in the new beetle, usually get ignored by everyone (even other new
beetle drivers). Regulars I see are used to it though and wave back.
Fraid I am one that ignores Beetles. was never intentional, its just that i notice other Kombi's more, and rarely get a wave back when I initiate to
a Beetle. Always feel bad tho when a Beetle waves and I notice at last minute (beetle and wave) and have not responded. apologies to any I have done
this to.
Have to say my two passions ACVW and M/bikes seem to be the only forms of transport that have the wave and the nod. always impresses passengers who
have never seen this.
only old VWs no one waves in a new generation VW
I think that's because new generation VWs are generally owned (I say generally, not all) by different kinds of people, not enthusiasts.
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I wave at old vw's but kombi drivers make me cross as most of them don't wave back but I still wave at them anyway
And when I'm driving the hilux I wave at old vw's some times just habbit and they probably think who the hell is that just a friendly hilux driver.
I wave
I usually give the oh so cool fingers off the steering wheel wave to fellow old beetle drivers and only wave back to bus drivers if they wave first.
Most Bus drivers do not wave at Beetles, well to me anyway. Snobs
On another note, there's a young girl around here driving a pink 1302 that never waves. She was herd at the local servo saying in reply to the
attendant "people should just get over them" when she was complemented on her nice looking ride. Hmm
I wave at any old VW, which means pre 90's
Hey 71-BEETLE-SEDAN I waved at you, how about that!!!!!! (White T5 Kombi).
Cheers, Greg
Sorry i didnt notice you, ill keep an eye out now, does everyones passengers think they are weird or what cause my girlfriend thinks its soooooooooo cute that i wave.
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I think she needs to sell her car to someone who will appreciate it
I usually wave, and mostly get a wave back from ACVWs. I often wave at 2nd generation stuff, but often don't get a wave back unless they know me (and quite a few do).
that chick needs to trade it in for something more like her...
A holden camira or nova or sumfin... vn commodore will do. what a tart...
Was her number plate PMS-WGN?
i wave and do get waves back but also get a lot of strange looks too
I always wave but as my dad pointed out it is always with the wrong hand so it is hidden behind the a pillar. Atleast I feel friendly lol
Gotta be a left hand wave.... or a right hand out the window illegal wave....
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I must admit that I'm a slow waver...
as i don't often see a beetle on the road...
and sometimes the first thing I notice is the wave...
then the beetle... lol
or sometimes a kombi
although I must say there is an elderly gentleman driving a type 3 fastback [probably original owner] in Muswellbrook who always gives Me a wave...
I get used to waving to school kids...
and bipping the horn... beep beep...
PS: two fingers up from the steering wheel was common back in the 60s..
I used be of the opinion that just because i drive a vw does not make me your friend so i never waved But now i have a much lower expectation of people so now i wave all the time get a wave most of the time but i'll
remember the ones that don't!It's amazing the response i got driving fruit loop around with master racer on the side the man or lady (could't tell
they were so angry)in the blue rav 4 obvously had a humor bypass i've never seen anybody so bent out of shape but the smiles/waves from muslim ladys
in the full hijab,sudanese refugees little kids,outlaw bikers,police,bogans makes up for the non wavers.Re the chick in the pink super maybe the front
end is shaged out and she darenot take a hand off the wheel for fear of crashing
[size=4]I wave to all VW's...mostly the "newer" VW drivers don't wave back....obviously the newer ones don't have the"wave" printed in theirowners manual [/size]
And there is the new generation that drive the new golf, jetta and passat that wave to me ( I drive a new one for work) I don't wave at them they
are a mob of tossers.....
Oh you should have chased the chick in the pink super to ask her why she didn't wave.
yep every time and get a wave everytime
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I wave but as people said before i often get ignored by kombis. And it's hard to know to wave to 2nd generation vee dubbs cause some are enthusiasts that used to have an air cooled vw but have "updated" to new dubbs. But mostly get a wave back but for some reason some just don't wave back even if your both in beetles. From Dylan The Dubber.
I find the best way to get a wave if your feeling all alone in your VW, is beep the horn, wave your right arm out the window and swerve into their
lane, works every time, even if they don't have a VW.