hey guys, thought i might share with you my first EVER vw experience. as you might have read ive been building up a sort of baja over the past year
and have finally got it to a point where i can show of the massive horsepower my little 1600 puts outs. haha but seriously i was surprised by how
quick the little thing went!
It started out with dad saying "just up the driveway and back mate you havnt got a license" which obviously turned into "can i take it on the
road?" dad reluctantly gave a sort of yes and so i was gone!! half way down the road the glove box flew open and we were covered in fibreglass dust.
i'll put videos up soon if i can
Good to here it's on/off the road.
good stuff
i was absolutely stoked with it! you couldn't wipe the smile off my face sorry haven't got back to you stanley. Might sound strange but students can
be busy too
can anyone else remember when they lost their vwirginity??
haha. I lost my virginity and got hooked after a single drive in a 1500 chop top back yard bush basher dub.
Learnt to drive manual in it first time eva for 30 mins in it, then went on a rampage.... The bastard went on a BIG sideways fast drift in their turf
and wouldn't straighten up haha, almost hit a tree, survived none the less! Then i was hooked :P
Look forward to doing that when i finally get my baja on the road.. one day.
Bring on the pics!!!
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I remember losing both forms of virginity. I think they may have left me in the same year.
Also remember even more fondly losing my kombi virginity. I've never wanted a beetle as a daily driver since then.
And also the first time I drove a car with real power and almost looped it without trying. My kombi wasnt finished so I put the donk (which was
completely painted black :puke) into the mates type three that I lost my VW virginity in. Many more ponies than my Telstar which was front drive.
Quite a surprise.