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I need a VWA on AVD - VWA (VWaholic Anon)
helbus - October 20th, 2009 at 08:04 PM

As I have been collecting the Herbie movies on DVD from Ebay over the past months as they come available. My 3yo son is watching them all continuously, and as a new one comes in the mail he hooks onto watching it daily. He has watched Herbie movies only for 4 months. No Wiggles or Hi5 or Sesame Street. An average of one a day every day. :cool:

I know some people may think this is bad, and I should not let him watch so much TV etc. I wont bang on about other stuff, but he has NONE, ZERO of the common things that have been known to be bad for a child in excess. :crazy:

He even wants our Beetle to be painted like Herbie now! :lol:

Scarab - October 20th, 2009 at 08:29 PM

hahaha...that is COOL!!! your boy sounds like he knows good TV when he sees it, and there is no doubt in my mind about his taste in ROCKS!

You must be a great Dad to have that much VW influence :lol:

helbus - October 20th, 2009 at 08:45 PM

He has a collection of about 6 Beetles and 4 busses and he has to take one of them to bed with him each night. No Teddy or Blanket. He will get up in the morning still clutching it. He points out all the 'Herbie' cars when we are driving around. His name for a New Beetle is 'Plastic Herbie'. I must have explained it that way once, and it stuck ever since. He does throw the odd Morris Minor in if we see one.

Goitsy - October 21st, 2009 at 07:15 AM

Sweet, I'm not the only one then.;)
We have a 4yr old son and he used to watch all the herbie movies religously, more into dinosaurs now though lol
They have a keen eye and can normally see a vw a mile off way before we do. Our young fella doesn't mind what type only that its a vw. Every time we take the bug for a drive he goes nuts with excitement, he loves it more than we do.:lol:

polak - October 21st, 2009 at 02:54 PM

nothing wrong with that..... i did the same up until a yr ago.... lol and i dont have a kid yet :lol: