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guess what this is a pic of
rose - October 29th, 2009 at 07:28 PM

Joel - October 29th, 2009 at 07:31 PM

that could be 21 million vw owners garage floors

rose - October 29th, 2009 at 07:35 PM

The person that owned this said you should have seen it before they fixed it. :crazy:

Originally posted by Joel
that could be 21 million vw owners garage floors

1303Steve - October 29th, 2009 at 07:42 PM

Looks like butterfly to me or is it an ink spot

trickysimon - October 29th, 2009 at 07:45 PM

40 spots of oil :dork:

rose - October 29th, 2009 at 07:46 PM

I counted more than 40 try again :lol::lol:

Originally posted by trickysimon
40 spots of oil :dork:

trickysimon - October 29th, 2009 at 07:47 PM

Oops 41? :crazy:

grumble - October 29th, 2009 at 07:51 PM

Joel you are an astute man,but I think you may be a few short.The next question was going to be is this in Ian's new workshop?

68AutoBug - October 29th, 2009 at 08:05 PM

Originally posted by rose

someone shot Ian... lol

68AutoBug - October 29th, 2009 at 08:07 PM

I know its NOT My garage floor....

rose - October 29th, 2009 at 08:33 PM

none of mine leak oil. but Ian's subie super does :lol::lol:

GTMac - October 29th, 2009 at 08:39 PM

Subies dont leak, must not have tightened the sump plug up enough.

Joel - October 29th, 2009 at 08:46 PM

yea grinding the sump along the road will do that

trickysimon - October 29th, 2009 at 08:51 PM

Not so reliable now aye Joel ;)

71-BEETLE-SEDAN - October 29th, 2009 at 08:55 PM

Looks like someones driven there bug back and forth moving it across little by little and left it sit for ten mins between moving it.

Joel - October 29th, 2009 at 09:01 PM

the front of my bug looked like that one year going down to valla after following tazz in kermit :lol:

GTMac - October 29th, 2009 at 09:19 PM

Im confused now, I think the photo has been photoshopped :crazy:, there is dirty old oil majority of pic and clean new oil at top of pic!

STIDUB - October 29th, 2009 at 09:32 PM

oil life cycle time line, new stuff on the top RH corner gives it away:smilegrin:

rose - October 30th, 2009 at 07:30 AM

it was just sitting for 5 min not running. And the clean oil is out of the gear box.

ian.mezz - October 30th, 2009 at 11:29 AM

I think I can see ET I should have try and of sold it on ebay before a wiped it up.:no::crazy::lol:

68AutoBug - October 30th, 2009 at 01:05 PM

Originally posted by rose
it was just sitting for 5 min not running. And the clean oil is out of the gear box.

I thought the clean oil was from the Gearbox Rose...

Not the sort of car I'd be driving...

Gearboxes are terrible things to fill...

[although Ian probably has a tool that makes it easy]


h - October 30th, 2009 at 02:06 PM

maybe a blind mans twister mat?

vw54 - October 30th, 2009 at 03:31 PM

looks good to me

djnee - October 30th, 2009 at 05:04 PM

Originally posted by rose
it was just sitting for 5 min not running. And the clean oil is out of the gear box.

Wow...a car that leaks more than mine!
Top job :tu:

DaveCarter - October 30th, 2009 at 05:30 PM

haha mine topped that today. The sump had worked itself loose from the crank case due to it scraping on everything. Came out from a 2 hour exam to find my car sitting in a puddle and one of my friends mums telling me my car was "leaking water". Looked like it had wet itself :lol: Was great fun towing it home behind a corolla......

bajachris88 - October 30th, 2009 at 06:02 PM

DAM! my folks have a cry when the other cars leave a 10c piece size worth of oil after sitting for a couple weeks...

They are definitely going to reach new levels of clinical insanity when the dub becomes the daily :lol:

RED62E - November 6th, 2009 at 07:53 PM

It's from BUZZ after beating the V8 at the drags. He knows he cheated and all the V8 monsters are coming to square up.
Sitting in the shop pooping his

whatnow - November 6th, 2009 at 08:47 PM

1: bottom of diff/diff sump plug

2: oil strainer plate

3: random g'box oil i can't explain

4: drips off outer case edge, prob from pushrod tubes. rear drip off back of cooling tin.

5: oil leaking rocker cover gasket and dripping off the heater box

6: drips off case seam prob from oil strainer plate

7: drips off case seam and possible pulley lower tin

8: drips off outer case edge, prob from pushrod tubes

9: from engine/g'box joint. leaking from main seal?

10: drip from front of front engine tin

11: drip from back of front engine tin.

there are a couple i'll just put down as random drips off the bottom of the engine.

so how'd i do? :lol: