Starting at the Burnside car park we set off for Goolwa Market.
there are some sweet looking rides there....but no type 3's!!!!!!
it would seem that I might need to join your ranks at some stage to boost your type 3 numbers....once the Notch is on the road I will definitely be
looking up the club, not much point at the moment seeing as I dont have a dub to follow you on the runs.
Nice Scirocco there - the boys over at VWW would be wetting themselves over that And I think I've seen that silver kombi round quite a bit.
Good turn out it seems, and nice to see Goolwa being taken over by VWs
good turn out great photos
Damn it I live in Goolwa and only remembered when I saw the red buggie drive through Pt. Elliot.
Quickly jumped in my Beetle and went searching around 2:30 but sadly I was too late or looked in the wrong places.
Mental note - by a freaking diary!
Fantastic range of models and all together
Great pics
Very Nice Pics thanks for sharing
Is SA still relaxed about Rust used to be Rust City
Yeah its still a relaxed state