I have just had mine out after a day in hospital and surgery and holy $hit they hurt like hell now. I cant talk because my mouth is so swollen and my
tongue doesnt even move and all I can do between drinks is cough up blood. My wife is loving it.. The fact I cant talk that is.
Anyone else had this done to themselves.
had mine done at the start of the year. was fine after a few days.
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Some people seem to be able to get them pulled out in the dentists chair and be back at work the next day. Mine sounded more like yours, overnight in
hospital and 2 weeks off work afterwards. 2 weeks sounded like a lot but when I came back to work still heavily bruised from my jaw all the way down
to my chest the boss didnt question it again! I did have a pesky 5th wisdom tooth though, hence why I lost 25% more wisdom than the average bear.
I feel your pain...
Oh yeah, that brings back painful memories. My wisdom teeth were impacted, meaning they were growing horizontally instead of vertically. To get them
out the dentist had to cut the bit of bone away that was covering them, then dig them out and stitch me up. I now have huge gaps at the back of my
teeth. I can do "tongue in cheek" with my jaw shut : )
I think he took my wisdom too. Might explain why I'm such a dumb ass . hehehe.
i really need to get mine pulled before they end up that bad
they just occasionally come up for some reason usually when i have sinus problems
not looking forward to it
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I had all 4 wisdom teeth of mine pulled out in August. Hurt like hell for the first 3 days. Had a week off work. One of my wisdom teeth was beginning
to pinch a nerve which if left
could have paralyzed my jaw!!
Not a cheap procedure either! I don't have health insurance so the total bill came close to $4000!
Im so glad they have been removed though....no more pain and i can brush my teeth better
I must be one of the lucky ones, or I had real class A drugs. Didn't feel a thing except hearing the grating as the dentist ripped into it.
Bizarre not being able to feel myself swallow, practically gagged and choked up/freaked for 1/2 hour afterward. Then it was OK. The SECOND day after I
copped a headache but I was right as rain. Had one day off work as I really couldn't speak.
All done in the dentists chair.
I was glad.
One grew out at 45 Deg and lacerated my gob before decaying. The other one popped through already decaying. After I had 'em done...no more headaches
or crook stomach from having the crap run down my throat.
Had to have a molar out 6 months later, similar story.
Oh you bunch of sooks LOL
It took me 10 minutes in the shed with nothing but a mirror and a pair of pointy nose vice grips to remove mine!
Good luck with the recovery mate.
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Had all 4 of mine out when I was 30yo - not too long ago I had
two impacted and yep I first realised something was wrong when I could taste something bad in my mouth and the throat infections started as well...
Best and safest way is to have them all out under a general in hospital. There is some cowboy dentists who will pull them in the chair and that is
fine in alot of cases but beware... I was almost caught out - Luckily I had a second opinion after the anesthetist cancelled. I am not that brave. I
can handle most things, but shit nobody's pulling my teeth whilst I'm half awake!
10 days or so off work and for the first few days plenty of panadiene fortes for the pain!
I only had 3 (had great joy in telling my mates i was further along the evolution tree than them), had them removed at 4pm Monday, at 5pm Tuesday night i was eating/talking like normal, wasnt a problem for me, thank christ for Private Health cover though!
i had one of mine out about 6 years ago, they did it in the chair. didnt hurt, i went back to work straight after,(i was panel beating at the time)
and the part delivery boy came in and i called him over. i said look at this and proceeded to pretend to hock up a loogy. then i spat out the gause
the dentist had put in to stop the bleeding. the young fella turned white instantly, in the end my boss informed the young fella that i had a tooth
pulled, of cause we all pissed our sleves laughing (except the part boy)
Mine are still safe as I need all the help that I can get,Barls avoided the removal for about 5 years by going to sea but the Navy medics finally got him,from memory he was in a fair amount of pain and he had a bib with ice in it to ease the pain.
I hop that mine never need to come out as I'm a big wuss.
I have only had my top 2 come down ok and still have them no worries. And I still don't have any at all showing up on the bottom why is that.
dentists, oral surgens, orthodontist... all love me, because they have made some serious cash.
With Bat69 unable to say anything more than "mmsgrnmnmnn!", Mrs Bat69 reports that it is very quiet and peaceful at the Batcave this weekend!
Nope. Never had any!! But then again I never had a
one of my front teeth either. That resulted in a few years of painful and expensive orthodontics, a long time with a gap in my smile and finally some great but expensive bridge work and crowns. Now all is good.
A friend of mine had to have his wisdom teeth out while he was visiting Mexico (apparently a lot of americans go south for dental treatment). I think
he had problems with the bleeding not stopping. A couple of other people I know had them out (at a dentist) - they were in pain for a bit but no real
dramas I think.
I had mine out at 16 before they grew, one side at a time, so I could still eat and talk. Because they were just buds, they were not so hard to get out. As a student they took them out for free at the public dental hospital. That was the scary part. Students doing the job under supervision of a teacher. Shaking nervous hands poking the anesthetic needles in all sorts of places in my gums.
Over the years they've all come out one at a time for various reasons.
Being one at a time it was not particularly traumatic.
The trauma was having one of them impacted and seriously and dangerously infected with an abcess before it came out.
A lot of us don't realise how dangerous a poisonous tooth can be. It can kill you if it is not treated promptly and properly.