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The Tiger Woods coverage on the tv / radio
djnee - November 13th, 2009 at 02:56 PM

Surely enough already?!

pod - November 13th, 2009 at 03:30 PM

who cares about tiger woods:no:

Yogie - November 13th, 2009 at 05:33 PM

I have a lot of respect for Tiger Woods. He is extremely talented but seems to be a pretty normal bloke, even though he gets so much attention but I agree, leave it alone already. Our media really sucks. They get hold of a story and flog it to death and just keep repeating the same stories over and over again. That is why I watch a lot of DVDs instead of TV.


bus914 - November 14th, 2009 at 07:17 AM

He's good at getting a ball in a hole, but why do they pay him so much for it?:spin:

68AutoBug - November 14th, 2009 at 09:20 AM

Originally posted by djnee
Surely enough already?!

Yes, I agree..


68AutoBug - November 14th, 2009 at 09:22 AM

Once you get that new sports channel on free to air HD...
channel One I think???

You can watch US football... or basketball or US anything sport related... lol

Not sure if there is anything good on it at all....


ryana89 - November 14th, 2009 at 02:17 PM

Originally posted by 68AutoBug

You can watch US football... or basketball or US anything sport related... lol

And motorsport of course : D YAY

68AutoBug - November 14th, 2009 at 02:30 PM

Originally posted by ryana89
Originally posted by 68AutoBug

You can watch US football... or basketball or US anything sport related... lol

And motorsport of course : D YAY

I forgot about

My Son tells me that there IS motorsport on that NEW sports channel... but He has so much trouble switching from AUSTAR to channel ONE HD free to air...
and then finding AUSTAR again..... lol
He's given

I'll have to give Him some more LEADS....


68AutoBug - November 14th, 2009 at 02:32 PM

Originally posted by bus914
He's good at getting a ball in a hole, but why do they pay him so much for it?:spin:

I heard to day that He IS the highest PAID sports person in the world...

WOW... that must be some Pay Packet...

and He doesn't pay for anything... lol..

Did you see His house???


Bizarre - November 14th, 2009 at 03:56 PM

For starters - i HATE golf

That said, when they bought LA Galaxy out to play Sydeny FC everyone thought it would be a dead rubber - except for Beckham
82,000 at Homebush

Tiger is a draw card.

Not my cup of tea, but if it gets people out and about, bring it on :yes:

bajachris88 - November 14th, 2009 at 08:44 PM

If only happy gilmore wasn't fictional...

I would watch golf 24/7 lol

ryana89 - November 14th, 2009 at 10:51 PM

As talented as Tiger Woods is, does he deserve all that money considering his sport isn't exactly "strenuous" or a "work out"...... I would think a marathon runner would deserve more money or any other sport thats hard on the body. He swings a lump of steel ounce every 10 minutes and makes more money in each swing than most people make in a year:no: not fair


djnee - November 14th, 2009 at 11:01 PM

I reckon he deserves all the money etc.....and good luck to him really!
I just hate the radio going off in the morning telling me that Tiger Woods has farted or whatever.....

Seems like they report just about everything the guy does!

beetleboy88 - November 15th, 2009 at 12:11 AM

since when was golf a sport! I couldn't think of a more boring game to play and watch! Yeh i heard Woods was the first sports person in the world to rack up over 1 billion dollars in prize winnings, sponsorship etc!

68AutoBug - November 15th, 2009 at 10:06 AM

We interupt this Tiger woods coverage to tell You there are New sports channels on Austar and Foxtel from Today..

Now these are unreal channels if you like cars in general...
Classic Cars that people own... 5 minutes approx each one..

lots of Rally cars and info...
SUBARU's Chris Atkins [AUST] against a youngster, who if beats Chris times in the last rallies of the year... the goodbye Chris..

He was 23 seconds slower per minute in the ICE & snow but made it up on the tarmac... Chris was still ahead at the last time I saw it... lots of b3hind the scenes info...



there are other channels but I haven't moved from these today.... lol

ryana89 - November 15th, 2009 at 11:06 AM

Originally posted by 68AutoBug
We interupt this Tiger woods coverage to tell You there are New sports channels on Austar and Foxtel from Today..

Now these are unreal channels if you like cars in general...
Classic Cars that people own... 5 minutes approx each one..

lots of Rally cars and info...
SUBARU's Chris Atkins [AUST] against a youngster, who if beats Chris times in the last rallies of the year... the goodbye Chris..

He was 23 seconds slower per minute in the ICE & snow but made it up on the tarmac... Chris was still ahead at the last time I saw it... lots of b3hind the scenes info...


Thats REAL TV:lol:.... Id imagine that there must be a heap of Golfers that watch TV and think "Pfft who cares about this silly car racing"

68AutoBug - November 15th, 2009 at 11:23 AM

Well MY Mother in Law would rather watch golf than
road race cycling... ??

but there must Be many people who would rather watch Tiger Woods as its THE thing to do...

the newspapers and TV reports prove it...????

Maybe they watch Him as He IS the best golfer in the world... ???

Wannavee - November 15th, 2009 at 06:46 PM

I'm a very part time golfer,yet to get Tiger out here paying 3million squid,i think thats a bit ridiculous,though a very smart marketing exercise by the Vic government (A sold out Aussie open? Bloody hell)
He's the first sports BILLIONAIRE and doesnt need the cash.
I'd say he got less than a quarter of that with the rest going to his managers,accountants,PR people etc etc.
It begs the debate, Are sports people really worth their earnings?
Schumacher $26million per year from Ferrari PLUS endorsements from his personal sponsors equated to over $50 million PER YEAR! He's STILL getting shitloads.
That stupid big mouthed dickhead LLeyton Hewitt.He's worth a fortune and whats he done lately? I really hate that guy.
All the AFL top players,are they worth their earnings? After all,they just play football
Beckham,is he worth it?
Doohan,was he worth it?
Personally,Doohan deserved every single penny he got as i know what he had to go through to get to where he got
I raced Superbikes at a decently high national level and did pretty well.
I had two teams asking me to ride for them and I took the best deal.I'm sure anyone woulda done the same thing.
Get what I mean?
These sports people are worth what someone is prepared to pay for them,and although i personally think its a bit over the top,i wouldnt knock it back,Would you?
Tiger got bums on seats,that was the goal
Mission accomplished

bus914 - November 15th, 2009 at 07:18 PM

...paying 3million squid,i think thats a bit ridiculous,though a very smart marketing exercise by the Vic government (A sold out Aussie open? Bloody hell)

So they just robbed every tax payer and gave this money to someone who doesn't need it and in the process added 3million squid to the trade deficit. Nice work :mad:

Jack Schit - November 16th, 2009 at 09:13 AM

Tiger = living legend. The event brought $20 mil to the local economy so it was a smart move bringing him over. I don't normally watch a lot of golf on TV but I did this weekend. :blush:

Snap Crackle Bang - November 16th, 2009 at 08:36 PM

It was good to see the Australian Golfers did the right thing and let our guest win.

Did anyone else notice that the jacket was a perfect fit!!


68AutoBug - November 16th, 2009 at 11:46 PM


He has headed off back Home in two jets....

One for Him

and one for the MONEY.... lol

I wonder if he gets paid in AUS or US Dollars??


71-BEETLE-SEDAN - November 17th, 2009 at 06:15 AM

I heard somewhere over the weekend that for a round of golf with tiger itll cost 1million.

But like others have said it cost 3mil to get him here and raised around 20mil.
Thats a profit for victoria of about 17million. Smart Move.

bus914 - November 17th, 2009 at 06:59 PM

How did it raise 20mil? Not being a smartarse, just like to know. Is that what locals paid for tickets to see him (after giving him 3mil) or what?

Wannavee - November 17th, 2009 at 08:51 PM

Yeah mate.
It was ticket sales and interstate fans paying for accomodation,meals, general income for the state etc etc
It was a windfall for the government bean counters and local business owners getting more business than usual I'd say.
Like any big sporting event any state puts on. If its a viable option with estimated attendances,interstate and overseas visitors,theyll take a chance and put up the cash.
I dare say you wont get back your contribution to the 3 million though!

donn - November 18th, 2009 at 04:27 AM

So none of the estimated 20 mil would have been seen by the organisers if TW hadn't been there ? I hardly think that's the case, still if I was in a position to have that sort of money donated to me then I wouldn't say no, it sure makes me wonder in a sort of angry disapointed way though when I hear of this sort of excess , after all it's not realy such a great acomplishment to hit a ball around a golf course, when you compare it with the achievement of those doctors who operated on and separated those cojoined twins yesterday, now they realy deserve to be paid that sort of dollars.:tu:

The_Bronze. - November 18th, 2009 at 05:42 AM

Originally posted by donn
... those doctors who operated on and separated those cojoined twins yesterday, now they realy deserve to be paid that sort of dollars.:tu:

Hear hear.


vw54 - November 18th, 2009 at 06:54 AM

Bring him back i wanna c him in Sydney

colonel mustard - November 18th, 2009 at 02:56 PM

golf is better than cricket. but both as boring as anything.

Wannavee - November 18th, 2009 at 09:48 PM

The organisers wouldnt have seen that sorta cash but they wouldve generated a decent income
The government and small businesses wouldve been the greatest winners.
I whole heartedly DONT agree with paying some bloke 3 million to hit a golfball for 4 days,though as a part time golfer myself,he is bloody good at it and amazing what he can do!
I'm told that coupla years ago, there was only 20,000 tickets sold to the Oz open.With TW there,they sold (reportedly) 100,000,so the host club WOULD have benefited a bit thats for sure