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You know you love your beetle when...
Ollie - November 15th, 2009 at 12:12 AM

You know you love your beetle when...

- When you spend every day on google maps carefully studying maps of local areas looking for some obscure twisty 2-way roads you might have missed yesterday

- You check weather forecast daily... 10-day extended forecast, and daily averages hoping that there will be a 27 degree day in June, even though you saw many time before that there won't be one until at least September

- You like to park it next to obscenely huge vehicles just to admire how tiny it is

- You check passing semis to see if you could drive underneath them

- Whenever you say Beetle, you smile and feel warm and fuzzy inside

- You talk about it like if it's a child

- you have no idea what your audio system sounds like cause you can't remember the last time you turned it on

- When you stop at a petrol station, you casually walk around your car pretending you're just waiting for it to fill up, but actually using another chance to admire its beauty in yet another setting

- You think beetle-less people's lives are dull

- You hesitate to upshift

- You explain to your friends that you keep the spare wheel only for weight distribution

- You are on a diet all the time because you're afraid extra 20lb on you will affect left-right balance

- People look concerned when they look at you when you climb out of the car... a few minutes later you realize that's because you're smiling like an idiot all the time

- Thinking about it makes you more happy than thinking about your wife/gf

- All your bathroom reading consists of items related to Beetles

- When you consider driving as you job and working as your hobby

- When you buy a perfectly good car for $5K, and spend another $10K on improvements that all of a sudden you can't seem to live without.

- You find excuses to pop your hood and check oil at every station, to show off that, "Yes, the engine is in the back!"

- You run out and toss your body on the hood spread-eagle during a hail storm.

- You walk backward out of a car park just to stare at it.

- You have no concept of your friend's eyes glazing over every time you tell them about the different variations of the beetle.

- when your grandparents tell you they had "one just like that"

- When someone mentions numbers like 1600, 1916, 48, and 110, you instantly daze off into the distance.

- You think Hitler did at least one good thing.

beetleboy88 - November 15th, 2009 at 02:12 AM

awesome! pretty much do all those things haha

HappyDaze - November 15th, 2009 at 07:34 AM

How about - You take your "good" car out of the garage so you can keep your Beetle safe & dry.

Bizarre - November 15th, 2009 at 08:00 AM

- you have no idea what your audio system sounds like cause you can't remember the last time you turned it on

Oh, how true :!:

beetleboyjeff - November 15th, 2009 at 08:32 AM

you only recognise friends & aquaintances on the road if they drive a VW. Otherwise, they are 'just another car'. They usually aren't very happy when you tell them that.

silver - November 15th, 2009 at 08:46 AM

You cry when you sell it

STIDUB - November 15th, 2009 at 09:21 AM

- your the only one that sees 1.75 cars in the garage when others see lumps of steel, nuts bolts & filth!

- then you get deeply offended that someone called your pride & joy filth :smilegrin:

68AutoBug - November 15th, 2009 at 09:42 AM

Originally posted by HappyDaze
How about - You take your "good" car out of the garage so you can keep your Beetle safe & dry.

Now that is familiar.. lol


whatnow - November 15th, 2009 at 12:03 PM

you have turned down lov'n to play in your shed.

you have told a potential g/f that you will never love her more than your vw.

there are clean/polished car bits in the lounge room, bedroom and next to the computer etc.

you suspect that at least one of your children may have cleaned their teeth with an old car part cleaning tooth brush that you left next to the handbasin. (errr. oops.)

you have gone home early from or completely avoided multiple social events so you can tinker.

customers you don't even recognise come in to your work and ask how your vw is going.

tools are your favorite christmas presents

you can spot a stripped beetle shell at 200 metres through trees while driving at 100kph.

going through, cleaning and sorting a icecream container of old bolts is an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon off.

you hear a flat 4 motor and your head automatically snaps that direction.

your children know the different models of beetles though you have never tried to teach them.

your wife takes pictures of any new beetle in town whenever one turns up.

Joels72Lowlight - November 15th, 2009 at 12:32 PM

customers you don't even recognise come in to your work and ask how your vw is going.

you hear a flat 4 motor and your head automatically snaps that direction.

These two are me :lol:

I wish I had a beetle :(

Smiley - November 15th, 2009 at 02:05 PM

your mother just shakes her head when you bring another one home.
You are confindent in the fact that your bog stock 1300 Beetle can outperform any 4WD on the beach.
You just don't 'get' having the engine in the front.
You are continously running our of shelf space for Volkswagen models and memorabilia in your house.


greasykitchen - November 15th, 2009 at 02:47 PM

When you haven't driven one for 5 years (or owned one for 2) and can still relate to most of the comments in this post. :yes:

sander288 - November 15th, 2009 at 03:14 PM

you spend so much money on it even though you don't have a job...

grumble - November 15th, 2009 at 04:39 PM

it is a sickness you know,but isn't it bloody good.

cnfabo - November 15th, 2009 at 05:54 PM

when u spend more time with it then your girlfriend..... wooopsyy...

DylanTheDubber - November 15th, 2009 at 05:59 PM

you know you love your vw .... When it's gone lol . You don't know how much you love them untill you don't have one any more and want to get one again ASAP lol. From Dylan The Dubber

Bizarre - November 15th, 2009 at 06:21 PM

When i got my "esky" my mate Holzl dumpded it in the front yard

I was at the pub on a Friday night - got home and no one said a word.

Wasnt untill Sunday till i said "has anyone noticed the VW shell in the front yard"

The mrs just said "we are use to it - get over it!"

STIDUB - November 15th, 2009 at 10:06 PM

bizzare, that esky looks cold.

Vote 1, this thread rocks, & most can relate to well over 1/2 of all these things.... even if we arent prepared to admit it publicly:lol:

cam070 - November 16th, 2009 at 09:37 PM

Lot's of this sounds strangely familiar. Best part for me is the wife has embraced the bug!

beetleboyjeff - November 16th, 2009 at 11:26 PM


customers you don't even recognise come in to your work and ask how your vw is going.

People who look a bit like me complain that people come up to them and ask how their beetle is going. lol

Joels72Lowlight - November 17th, 2009 at 06:32 AM

This thread is pretty much the reason Im now looking for a beetle lol.

Craig S - November 17th, 2009 at 06:58 AM

My 'good' car copped $10k of hail damage while the Beetle stayed safe and sound in the garage.

colonel mustard - November 17th, 2009 at 08:27 AM

You never drive it cause it needs work??? Welll, 3 weeks anyway...

ancientbugger - November 17th, 2009 at 09:10 AM

When people look at you really strangely 'cos you say you have a VW!!! Bloody non-believers:rolleyes:

beetleboyjeff - November 17th, 2009 at 11:38 AM

When people ask "How are you going?", and you automatically answer "By Volkswagen". I then usually add "It sure is good fun". lol

trickysimon - November 17th, 2009 at 04:52 PM

When your internet history contains only two things:
1. Aussieveedubbers
2. Porn

In that order :lol:

Ollie - November 18th, 2009 at 12:10 AM

Got some newbies ;) Sorry for Any Double ups!

You have the as your home browser

· Your car has two sets of rims, but you're still wearing thongs with duct tape.

· You ask for a job transfer to make your commute longer.

· You put more research into buying tires than choosing a doctor.

· You consider a new shift knob a "Mod".

· Your car has a name like Baby, Honey Bee, White Knight or Silver Bullet (or colonel mustard)

· You talk about your car to anyone who stands still for two seconds.

· You carry Meguiar's Final Inspection and clean towels in your trunk, just in case.

· You'd rather get two extra HP with that new air intake than buy your spouse a birthday gift.

· You refer to your car's radio and A/C as dead weight.

· You go out of your way to find a drive-through so you don't have to get out of the car.

· You deliberately omit to lock your car when you get home in the evening, just so you have one more excuse to go outside and look at it before bedtime.

· You know what options were available on every model year since 1941, but still can't remember your family's birthdays.

· You choose your girlfriend based on who much she likes your car.

· The first words out of your mouth when giving someone a ride are "hold on".

· You coordinate an office auto-cross in your company's parking lot.

· You know all the Beetles in your parking garage and their owners.

· You know the available storage space in your trunk to then nearest cubic inch.

· You're likely to carry items in the passenger seat which should only be hauled in a truck bed.

· When asked "how do you do?", you feel compelled to engage in a full explanation of the advantages of boxer engines and rear wheel drive.

· You sell Beetles down at the local dealership...and you don't work there.

· Your idea of packing for a weekend trip is clean underwear and a toothbrush.

· You can fold a car cover so it fits under the boot cover.

· Your friends avoid you for two weeks after they buy a new car that isn't a Beetle

· You sign all correspondence (even checks!) with [your name] and "[car's name]".

· You've spent more time at stoplights than you care to admit looking up and counting the chromed lug bolts on Peterbilt truck tires.

· You are still angry that damage to your car is not covered under your family medical policy.

· You've ever gone out at night and just sat in your car with the inside light on.

· You've gotten completely lost out in the countryside, but you don't care because it's warm, it isn't raining, and you've got a full tank of gas.

· Realizing you have a full tank of gas and nowhere (important) to be for the next two hours, you get on the road to anywhere and just go.

· It saddens you to realize you need to get off the next exit and turn around, as it has been an hour since you left and need the next hour to get back home....

· ....You decide the heck with it and drive on until you have half a tank of gas left...

· ...You reach a half tank of gas and say the heck with it and go on since there MUST be a gas station in the next 100 miles.

· And, finally, you must be a Beetle owner if your petrol tank is half full and not half empty.

colonel mustard - November 18th, 2009 at 12:27 AM

You baggin' me sir ???

Ollie - November 18th, 2009 at 12:30 AM

Not at all Sir!
In fact i wish my car had such an awesome name!
Mine is simply "Cal"

The best one I saw was one for sale on e-bay

"Fair well Mr. Herbert Brown"