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Dose anyone Know anything about this Car - The Ladybug
DylanTheDubber - January 22nd, 2010 at 11:43 AM


Dose anyone remeber this car or know anything about it or might know where it is now, It may be rusting away in your paddock or it might be your daily driver. I hope it's still out there some where. Any info is greatly appriciated. Here is the details.

Vw 1972 superbug s
last badge on the boot was vw 1500 in 2006
VIN: 1122284030
Was origionaly mustard but then was painted like a lady beetle insect and had antenas on the bonnet
It had a hotdog extractor system i think with no tinware on the motor.
The car was stolen from ashmore and dumped in a river nearby in 2006 and was sent through the insurance company to be sold at an auction at eagle farm in brisbane. I owned this car for 3 months before it was stolen so i was woundering who used to own it and if anyone knows who dose now. PM me for more info on the car.

DylanTheDubber - January 22nd, 2010 at 05:37 PM

Bump!! any info is realy appreciated.

STIDUB - January 22nd, 2010 at 07:58 PM

do a search, this was covered months back, it was at a wrecker in oxley filled with rust, probably crushed & made into the cans of baked beans in your kitchen by now

DylanTheDubber - January 22nd, 2010 at 08:28 PM

Yeah put up the post before but still havent found out what happend. From Dylan

colonel mustard - January 22nd, 2010 at 08:30 PM

Sorry mate, but I don't think the people from the wreckers are going to post on the forum and say it was crushed. look up ABC wreckers and give them a call, but I don't think you'll find anything, they probably chucked it over the fence to sims, sadly.

Joel - January 22nd, 2010 at 08:38 PM

yep sorry to say it but she'd be in VW heaven now

it woulda been sold at auction as a statutory write off which means it cant be reregistered, only scrapped for parts
which is why the wreckers buy them, sell a few parts then crush the shell.
sad way to go

DylanTheDubber - January 22nd, 2010 at 08:47 PM

At least a picture of it before it got crushed would be nice one of it at the auctions or wreckers. Whats sad is that my dad lies to me and bullshited me about it untill about 1 year later after i asked and asked and asked cause i knew something was'nt right about the story and i still dont think the storys correct so im trying to find it or whats left of it by myself with the small infomation i was told.

STIDUB - January 22nd, 2010 at 09:33 PM

i swear ive posted this pic at least 2x before, its one of many that have sat there for 2-3weeks then been turned to scrap

colonel mustard - January 22nd, 2010 at 09:46 PM

wreckers aren't huge fans of people taking photos. and if dave is talking about where i think he is, you dont want to know the people at that wreckers, and you certainly dont want them to know you. I havent been there in a while. but if i have a spare day next week, i'll check to see if i can find any vw stuff there...

ps, I also thought this was spoken about a few months back..

STIDUB - January 22nd, 2010 at 11:34 PM

abc wrecker in oxley, rip-offs, no dubs there currently mustard :) trust me i keep my eyes out for em, last one was a rusted out "baja" cut up steel guards, rust EVERYWHERE, what looked like aircraft tyres, 1-3: of grease all over the beam, drums, box & undersides of the engine & paint flaking off the roof with bog & surface rust bubbling under, price on it was.... $900! no less!

that said there was a white L bug there awhile back, it disappeared & shortly after a VERY similar L showed up at my work, so at least one survived the sims bin :)

mustard, unless it says no cameras etc ill happily take pics of dubs around the place :)

VDUBXTC - January 23rd, 2010 at 01:15 AM

Found it in the archives for the volkswagen spectacular from 2006

DylanTheDubber - January 23rd, 2010 at 08:04 AM

Thank you STIDUBB thats what i wanted a picture of it. so thank you. also about the valla photos yeah thats our bug but not 2006 it was 2004. From Dylan

VDUBXTC - January 23rd, 2010 at 08:47 AM

also about the valla photos yeah thats our bug but not 2006 it was 2004. From Dylan

Hmm ok.
It's under 2006 in a sites archives.
I can't even remember seeing it. even if it was the year you mentioned :D

DylanTheDubber - January 23rd, 2010 at 01:39 PM

I rang up ABC wreckers at Oxley and they confirmed it was crushed about 3 or 4 weeks after it arvived. At least i got a picture because i always woundered what it would look like and if it was wrecked or if it is still around. at least now i know the cold hard truth. It's harsh but at least i know. Any other info that any body else has i would still like to know. RIP LADYBUG

DylanTheDubber - January 23rd, 2010 at 01:46 PM


STIDUB - January 23rd, 2010 at 02:22 PM

no extra photos, it was just a wreck, seemed mostly complete, was being sold whole not parted out because nobody ever wants vw parts according to them, thats all i noticed, the white one there at the same time had more of my interest(slightly better condition) but i only have one of it too sorry

DylanTheDubber - January 23rd, 2010 at 04:08 PM

Thats ok. Thanks for the photo anyway. without you takeing the photo i would'nt of had any idea of what it looked like. From Dylan

DylanTheDubber - January 28th, 2010 at 09:03 AM

Note to people watching and following this thread. The Car has not been confirmed crushed. I rang back ABC Wreckers today and they are going to see if there records go back that far to April 2006 they are going to ring me back and tell me if it was sold or if it was crushed. From Dylan

colonel mustard - January 28th, 2010 at 09:13 AM

you said that the "confirmed" it was crushed..... maybe its time to let go...?

DylanTheDubber - January 28th, 2010 at 09:24 AM

No sorry , I read the thing they said wrong. But they did'nt confirm that actual car was crushed and i read it wrong so i have rang them back today and they are going to get back to me. From dylan

DylanTheDubber - January 28th, 2010 at 12:25 PM

The ABC Wreckers got back to me and said they have records of it coming in from the auction but don't have records of it selling. which meens it could be one of 2 things. it was crushed or sold but not recorded because it was so long ago they only have limited records. It's possible it went to melbourne.

From Dylan