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Australian Paint/Upholstery
sander288 - March 30th, 2010 at 07:07 AM

I'm trying to work out what the correct colour and interior is for my 67 Deluxe.

At the moment it is yellow, but it used to be Ruby Red, and from what I can assume it had a red interior.

But if you look throught the upholstery/paint links on for any Ruby red combo it has white and grey interiors.

So did Australian combos differ from the rest of the world?

Phil74Camper - March 30th, 2010 at 08:07 AM

Yes, they sure were. You have to use the Samba as a guide only - it's for US-spec German-built VWs. Ours were made in Melbourne.

Australian paint colours are listed at  and as you can see, Aussie colours (Balm/Dulux) were rather different from Germany/US.

I had a Ruby Red Aussie '64 - and it had the grey / white interior. I imagine red upholstry with red paint would be a little hard to take. As far as I can recall, I only saw red upholstry with white paint, although most of the white Aussie VWs had brown upholstry.

The Aussie '67s were 'tarted' up a bit, in order to try to stop the sliding sales (they actually came with white-wall tyres). The door panels were not two-tone, like the earlier cars, but were just one colour.

If you restore your VW to its original colour, note that Dulux made a couple of different shades of Ruby Red. The VW 1.3.303 code (Dulux 4754) is correct for your car. The Dulux 5265 Ruby Red was only used on the VW 1500 Type 3, and is a more browny-red than the sedan Ruby Red (I made that mistake once).

New Grey/white interior panels will look great.

sander288 - March 30th, 2010 at 01:38 PM

awesome guys, thanks so much for the info!

jacky_moo - March 30th, 2010 at 03:06 PM

Originally posted by Phil74Camper
Yes, they sure were. You have to use the Samba as a guide only - it's for US-spec German-built VWs. Ours were made in Melbourne.

They used to be made just down the road from my house!!


karmann54 - March 30th, 2010 at 09:33 PM

My beetle is a late '67 model. It wasn't sold until May 1968, so must have been one of the last early 6V shapes. It was white with a black flash, and tuxedo black upholstery. Both the sites above refer to Lotus White, but the original warranty card on mine calls it Pearl White. Definitely Aussie made, small side windows etc etc. The sticker in the wheel well has long gone. Any clues?

Upholstery is original and single-tone black - as Phil says above the Samba is not good for the Australian beetles when they didn't do all the upgrades.

Mine was painted a random red outside at some stage before I got it, looks good with the plain black interior.


karmann54 - March 31st, 2010 at 04:39 PM

I'd like to figure out where mine fit in as far as the 'last early beetles'. I'll have more of a look through your In2VWs site.

By the way, I looked at the warranty card again in my beetle this morning, it does say Lotus White, not as I said above. The Pearl White I was thinking of is for my Karmann Ghia, which of course is German made.


sander288 - March 31st, 2010 at 06:30 PM

actually, last question, what is the colour combo on the original rims? is it ruby red on the outer rim and white in the middle? or visa versa

Phil74Camper - March 31st, 2010 at 08:19 PM

Yes, Aussie Deluxe Beetles had cream centres, and matching body colour on the outer rim. A Ruby Red Beetle had Ruby Red outer rims.

Here is a photo from a '66 Aussie brochure. The two outer cars are Deluxes, while the centre car is a Standard. Note how the Ruby Red has a grey interior - I've never seen one that didn't.

zayus - April 16th, 2010 at 10:13 PM


Those old brochures are fantastic!
The brochure containing the picnic scene, captures "the good life" perfectly.
That type of image, is so typical of car advertising from the period.

The VW Blue Deluxe really is luxurious - sunroof and a coudroy inserts on the seats!
To think my 67 looked almost identical to the Blue sunroof Deluxe once!
Love the brochures!

Talking of interiors, my VW Blue Beetle, came in Dove Grey basket weave.
The only original carpet left, is the black square in the rear behind the seat etc.
I assume the floor and the tunnel would have been trimmed in rubber, while the sills & firewall would have been black square weave.

Now, the million dollar question... where can we get rubber floor mats etc for right hand drive Beetle?

Guys, thanks for the pictures fromthe brochures, they are fantastic!

Phil74Camper - April 17th, 2010 at 09:55 PM

Yes sorry, there's always an exception to any of my sweeping statements!

I have that '67 Aussie brochure too. The green Beetle was the 'Custom', an upgraded version of what used to be the 'Standard'. See how the door trims are all one colour on the '67s - a bit of cost-cutting at Clayton I presume.

Love the drive-in photo. According to  there were once three drive-ins in Townsville - the Range, the Stewart and the Norline. From the photos, it looks like the Norline, which apparently closed in the 1980s (like almost all the drive-ins in Australia).

I couldn't find a VW dealership called 'West End Garage' in Victoria - there was one in Narrabri (NSW) but that photo doesn't look like Narrabri to me - and the cars look like they have VIC number plates. Any idea what town that is?

Phil74Camper - April 17th, 2010 at 10:37 PM

Looks like I need new glasses.

Yes there was a West End Garage in Bundaberg, at 10 Takalvan St, from 1956 to 1965. They were listed as 4 Takalvan St from 1965 to 1976, but that could well be the same address. I can't see anything on Google Street View that looks like that old photo !

XXX-1.8T - April 18th, 2010 at 01:54 AM

Did Aussie beetles come with carpets?

If so what would be the correct carpet colour for a Sea Blue beetle?

What is the paint code for the ivory colour on an indicator stalk?

Phil74Camper - April 19th, 2010 at 07:16 AM

Carpet only in the rear parcel area and wheel well covers, side sills, front footwell sides and front firewall. They were a sort of mid-brown originally. The floors were always rubber mats, one large one each for front and rear.

vw54 - April 19th, 2010 at 07:24 AM

my origional trim brochure 6 /65 for Australian Vehicles says

Sea Blue can have 3 diferent colour trims Bright Red ( like mine ) Russet Red or Moroccan Tan

XXX-1.8T - April 19th, 2010 at 11:40 AM

thanks Dave but interested in the carpet colours for Sea Blue.

So would oatmeal be the correct carpet colour for the sills etc?

vw54 - April 19th, 2010 at 01:50 PM


red would have charcoal and tan would have oatmeal in square weave of course

XXX-1.8T - April 19th, 2010 at 10:59 PM

Under the parcel tray area the carpet is this similar type of colour:

Is this the same carpet used with all beetles under the parcel tray area or was this the original carpet colour for my car?

The interior colour that i have now is this which was the closest i could find to brick red:

BTW im not intersted in a full carpet kit just the sills etc

XXX-1.8T - April 21st, 2010 at 05:23 PM


vw54 - April 21st, 2010 at 07:15 PM

dont forget the carpet is around $200 metre