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membership based workshop
conley - May 7th, 2010 at 01:02 AM

Hi all,

I am looking to start a membership based workshop in the Newcastle area of NSW.

The idea I am looking at is similar to the  movement that is gaining momentum in the USA.

I am sure plenty of people on this forum would like access to machine tools and equipment that most of us either don’t have room for or are unable to cover the purchase price.

Without going into pages of details. The idea goes something like this...

· Members pay a once off joining fee. (About $1200)

· Members who wish to continue using the service pay an ongoing yearly subscription. (between $500 and $750)

· Membership will be capped at about 100 people for the first year.

· The money collected as part of the joining fee will be used to purchase tools and equipment as voted by members.

· The money collected from the annual subscription fee will be used to cover rental costs and other running costs (power etc)

· Any changes to membership numbers will be voted on by all members at regular meetings.

· Positions on any committee that forms to oversee finance and administration will be by majority vote.

If you would like to be part of this upcoming project, please contact me so I can get a feel for what the demand is like.

Thinker - May 7th, 2010 at 08:30 AM

It is already available.
Commonly known as TAFE.

1303Steve - May 7th, 2010 at 10:17 AM


This is a great idea, my only concern would be insurance, the insurance could be a killer with unskilled people using machinery etc


1500S - May 7th, 2010 at 02:11 PM

Originally posted by Thinker
It is already available.
Commonly known as TAFE.

The only problem with TAFE is that the old "Workshop Practice"/journeyman classes have long gone in most areas and it's hard to hide the foreign order type of jobs in the competency based structure of current courses.

The other problem is that many want to do their own jobs regardless of their incompetent knowledge of machinery and setups and can take up much of lesson/teacher time which has to be shared with the fellow students.

By all means, enroll in TAFE if you want to learn how to use a lathe or mill etc etc if it's that part of engineering you want or any welding course or panel work of choice. For those who have pricked their ears on the lathe work, don't expect a result unless you complete right from basic Turning 1 through to Turning 3 (turning 3 all screwcutting) as it all belongs to one competency. Also, we can't claim that "we failed" and we'll just do it again. After failing a competency twice you have to have a bloody good reason to do it again!

A great idea of a "mens shed" but it is rather costly to set up with any machinery and tooling hence the figures quoted isn't in any way over the top.


donn - May 7th, 2010 at 04:47 PM

There was a simiilar set up years ago in Gateshead (a suburb of Newie for those who don't live in Gods country), it didn't last long, the owners / organisers went broke big time. I think if you are limiting it to VDubers then you will have a problem filling the spaces.

conley - May 7th, 2010 at 06:32 PM

Cost, it may be cheaper if you have a large job on than getting many companes to do the work 4 you. Or if you just like to tinker.

There still is a shed at the pcyc at Windale, ( ) but it is more for smaller and simpler things We r thinkin bigger.

Insurance may be the killer but if a high school's and tafes can use lathes and welders ect with one person supervising, then there should be away around it.

ATM we r looking 4 interest cos if there is none of that there is no point continuing.

Thinker - May 7th, 2010 at 07:27 PM

insureance isnt the problem workcover are the ones to worry about.
you need to be qualfied to train the the people using the machines or workcover will skin you alive if unqualified poeple are using equiepment they are not trained to use.

conley - May 8th, 2010 at 03:33 AM

Yep. I work in a workshop and i am familiar with work cover and training. And there is a correct way to go about it.

SuperOwen - May 9th, 2010 at 03:58 PM

A better idea is privatly renting some warehouse space etc with a group of mates. Can you imagine all of your tools getting used by another 100 people? It's bad enough keeping track of your stuff when your the only one using it!!!