Ha add some of this funky stuff to your plain vw lol
Volkswagen Beetle Stainless Steel Front Grilles and Bumpers.
Take your VW Beetle Interior to the highest level of quality and function with our full line of Dash Trim Accessories
Custom Stainless Steel Dash Trim Accessories
Holy stainless bling, batman! That's certainly one way to make your car look unique, although not in a good way. I wonder who was in charge of
product development?
"Hmm, can we just stick a 2cm strip of polished stainless sheet to the trailing edge of every panel with double sided tape?"
"I don't see why not."
"Good then!"
Joel just told me some of yous may have seen this before
Hmm a few good things there but somethings a just a bit of a joke there.
OMG....all the stuff of your RICER dreams .....now available for your DUB......BRO