I've heard a rumor that it is legal to drive your car to and from the blue slip without rego, as long as you can prove that you were driving it to
obtain a blue slip.
Is that true?
I would like to save myself $160 in towing fees if possible.
Just make sure your booked in and take the most direct root to the blue slip inspection station and put a note in your glovebox dated that you are
going to get a blue slip inspection.
Make sure it is road worthy eg lights tyres etc and make sure that its only you in the car as well, as i supose they could book you for that if they
wanted to
yep its susposed legal
I did it about 2 weeks ago but needed tyers so the guys gave me the white slip so i could go to tyre shop and get new ones fitted
But on the way back i got pulled over by the men in blue but talked my way out of it and justified by showing them the paper work I made out i
was trying to find the shortest way back top blue slip place they werent impressed but let me go
as per above make sure you havea booking and get a Green slip before if you can
It is certainly legal, provided, as Rose said, you're driving the vehicle to or from an authorised place of inspection (or repair) for the purposes
of obtaining registration.
If you are driving on the most direct route, and have the vehicle booked in, you will not be given an infringement notice for a registration related
offence. You may of course however receive one for another traffic offence such as exceding the posted speed limit etc (obviously).
Best of luck getting through the inspection.
yeah, gotta be legal, in w.a. you have to pay for a permit to travel to and from a licensing station, another money spinner
Definitely legal here in NSW as posted from the RTA site. I had to do the same when I got the blue slip for my bettle
Thanks for clearing that up.
I now need to see a panel beater about getting the bonnet to lock, and more to the point unlock. Would that be classified as a repair that I could
drive it to and get sorted before a blue slip?
you might have a broken hinge which is what was wrong with mine shame you not in Sydney as the boys at RAW would look after you including the blue slip
that used to be the case in QLD many moons ago, but now we are required to get CTP insurance on the day we go to get the car registered. Initially you
still need a day permit or trailer the car to a roadworthy inspection station (unless you know someone who does house calls for RWCs). If it passes,
you can drive directly to Main roads (most direct route) as long as you have the CTP in your glovebox. A bit convoluted and confusing, but then again,
so is life........
i was pulled over and i gave the phone number of the garage to check that it was booked in and i also asked a few insurances about a cover for the trip all was good no insurance dam