I am trying to upload pics to this site with the same camera and settings ive always used heaps of times before but its saying attachment too big now, have settings been changed to this site????
Down load the picture's to my photo's and email them to youself, when it ask,s you do you want to make your photo's smaller , tick that box, then save the photo from your email back to my photo's
will that work for avatars ? I have given up trying to add one
I use a website called photobucket.com to upload, manage and resize all of my photos. I find it pretty easy and you might too. Give it a go.
the setting "use" to be 100kb
I have seem lately it people posting up to around 2Mb
These have taken forever to download
whatever - http://www.irfanview.com is a great program for pictures
Worked for my avatar
i gave up on trying my avatar pic ages ago, i just tried your idea vw060 and no luck, still to big
some thing is the matter then
If you are using http://www.photobucket.com it needs to be like here
[I M G]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d170/blue74l/exhaust/103_2456.jpg[/IMG]
I put gaps in the [I M G] to stop the picture and only show text
It will say IMG Code on photobucket
Below is a random picture up loaded by the forum
what? come on you guys. If you don't have anything fancy in the program department just use ms paint or windows photo viewer. They both have a
re-sizing in the edit menu and both these programs come with windows.
just use microsoft paint. crop/edit pic. then select resize image (30-40%) usually works. if you do not want to change original image, just save under
"save as"
easy and free.
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im only an ex panel beater, not a computer technition, its too hard!
steve, if you want a hand with the avatar pm me with the pic and ill get back to you.
thanks barls, will keep it in mind
i use a power tool for windows called imageresizer for individual pics you right click on the pic to make a smaller copy. I also use picsizer programe
to do whole files of pics at once. they are both free on the net,
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Greg... I think vwsteve meant "ex-panel beater" as in he used to be someone who takes cars with bent panels and makes them straight again.... not
your recent high-speed trick of taking a straight car and bending all its panels !!!
OK Dave, who do think got it all straight again then????
I think you panel beaters just spend way to much time playing with your dollies
Nothing wrong with playing with dollies, although some of mine have had a bit of a hammering over the last 50 years.
I just had the same issue with my pics. Same size pics on my members rides topic but won`t let me upload them. Shrunk them from around 600k to 200k, still no good. Whats going on? Something has obviously changed.
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Yeah, sumpz changed, just tried to do exactly what I had done in the for sales and "attachment too big". Damn, I have enough trouble when it's
And when I log on, it takes a bout 4-6 pages before the site recognises my custom theme...what's going on ?!@!??%#?
let me try, ok wouldnt let me post anything bigger than this.
trying again
nope, in for sales I have a seat, loaded those pics ok now can't load the same pics. ??????????/
Please what is going on?
I don't know either..
the pics need to be resized very small now....??
this one is 52KB
Used to be able to use over 100KB before...
So if a mod dosn't know where are we now?
ok guys after a bit of digging.
found this one.
http://forums.aussieveedubbers.com/viewtopic.php?tid=21004 and in it it states
"Aussieveedubbers offers free 90 day storage of images less than 50 kb in size. If you want to keep a permanent avatar or put in bigger pictures, you
need to use your own web space. “
and "In all cases, you should still resize your images to be about 640x480 in size or no more than 50 kB as many members are on modem and really hate
long page load times.
Avatars should be no more than 100x100 pixels in size, and this equates to less than 10 kB in size. Any link to external avatars over that size will
be removed from your profile. “
so its not a new thing and has been this way since 2004