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h - January 11th, 2011 at 09:22 AM

I hope all u involved stay safe during this wet time
I was home on the sunny coast since wed night n till Monday lunch we had around 500mm of rain
needless to say my driveway was a creek and the road in was cut n rutted in places
crazy times
stay safe dubbers

Paulc1964au - January 11th, 2011 at 09:49 AM

I have been watching TV all morning, looks like a disaster of huge proportions, our thoughts are with all those who are currently battling the floods

Joel - January 11th, 2011 at 10:11 AM

8 people confirmed dead now from that freak flood through toowoomba

matberry - January 11th, 2011 at 10:20 AM

Yep, close for us but a meter to spare, we were flooded in sunday & monday but water receeded for now. Now the people a little further south are copping it big time.

Stay safe peeple

donn - January 11th, 2011 at 10:57 AM

Just been watching some of the vision from Toowoomba, can't believe the courage shown by many people risking their own safety to rescue others, if they fell over or were washed off their feet by the raging water they would stand little chance, hope all goes as good as possible in the circumstances.

ancientbugger - January 11th, 2011 at 10:57 AM

Just called my son at work in Pomona to come home as the roads around here are going under. My garage is more of a mess than ever!!!:grind:

matberry - January 11th, 2011 at 11:48 AM

Originally posted by ancientbugger
Just called my son at work in Pomona to come home as the roads around here are going under. My garage is more of a mess than ever!!!:grind:

Who would have thought that possible !!! :lol::lol:

Hope we don't get too much more Barry.

A client was booked in today from Kin Kin, they rang to cancel, but explained how with so much local flooding they had no phones yesterday and were flood bound but remarkably they were able to go to Gympie by back roads for some needed supplies but the supermarket was quite empty. They said they did get some dramatic views of the flooded township.

Joel - January 11th, 2011 at 12:33 PM

What country other than Aus could have one side flooding in an area the size of Germany and France put together then the other side on fire due to major drought :crazy:

ancientbugger - January 11th, 2011 at 12:48 PM

I've said many times if oil or gas was involved they'd quickly build a pipeline so why not pielines around Oz maybe following the railway network. All this water when it dissipates will just flow out to sea the same as in the northern tropics. I'm no genious but surely it must be practical in the long run. If the mafia could start up a city in the middle of a desert in the 30's that now has a population of over a million plus 8 million visitors a year surely a government could figure out how to do this. Then again the Qld government completely fu*=+d up peoples lives with the Traveston dam project!:(

flying 58 - January 11th, 2011 at 02:01 PM

Half of Ipswich has been evacuated including the factory I work at and they are saying wivenhoe dam will be at 200% in 24 hours so we are all bracing for the worst

h - January 11th, 2011 at 02:12 PM

ipswich is being inundated n the brisbane river has broken it's banks in some places
if you are in a low lying area move to higher ground n take ur pride n joy if it's safe to do so
it's easier to replace ur ride than you or your family
please stay safe out there in SE Qld

Paulc1964au - January 11th, 2011 at 02:23 PM

they have announced 6500 homes and businesses will go under water by thursday in the Brisbane area and 16000 homes will be affected

DubbyFan - January 11th, 2011 at 02:53 PM

All the best to those in Queensland, our thoughts are with you!

kombibob - January 11th, 2011 at 04:00 PM

I just made it home but had to leave the car on the mountain road as this came down seconds before we got here.
hope every one else is safe.

cam070 - January 11th, 2011 at 05:05 PM

Stay safe all those in affected areas. I trust the rest have us have made our donations where we can to help out those in the bad areas.

LIFE IN THE LOW LANE - January 11th, 2011 at 06:36 PM

Knocked off work at 1pm after moving everything inside our offices etc to higher ground. Hopefully the higher tides combined with flood waters don't do too much damage.

We'll see what i find when I go tomorrow!!

Car Wash might be under water LOL!!

Gary L - January 11th, 2011 at 06:43 PM

Hope all in QLD & Nth NSW are ok let us know if you need some help will try to assist if we can.

DylanTheDubber - January 11th, 2011 at 08:20 PM

Im Back in Port Macquarie as of tonight. Soo Glad to get out just in time and get home. Even just made it thru grafton by a couple hours before the Highway was closed again due to flooded road. I Hope my Dad , family , friends , Fellow Dubbers and all the others i know and dont know are safe and we get all thru this and this bloody rain pisses off soon!!!

From Dylan

no1jc - January 11th, 2011 at 09:44 PM

you all are in my thoughts,
stay safe my freinds

barls - January 11th, 2011 at 09:48 PM

also want to say stay safe up there girls and guys.
hope your all well

BillysBug - January 12th, 2011 at 02:38 AM

We are in Ipswich and as you can tell by the time of this post I wont be going to bed anytime soon. Thankfully we are good so far but did get some water through my shed (lucky dubs not too low yet lol). Anyone else in Ipswich who needs a hand shoot us a PM and we will do our best to help out however we can.

penguin - January 12th, 2011 at 07:50 AM

Jay and I are safe and dry now. Water into the sheds yesterday but nothing into the house, thank god.
The road in front of the house was a small river flowing bloody fast.

Unfortunately a number of houses down the street aren't as high as my place and they went under or through their houses.
Our removals may not happen as planned I suspect.

Good luck to all in Ipswich proper, Brisbane and now the folk down in NSW who are about to cope all of this as well.

vwjon - January 12th, 2011 at 09:06 AM

can you pass this on please.

people in the floods, please update facebook and twitter accounts etc, your friends and reletives abroad are very worried about you. contact from outside Aus is very difficult.

thanks guys.

h - January 12th, 2011 at 10:12 AM

in brisvenice just to give u an update I just heard on the abc 24 tv that this is potentially gunna be worse than 1974 flood heights.. there will be a brisbane river flood peak this arvo @ 4.5m with a bigger peak at 4am tomoro morning @ 5.5m coupled with the king tides.. this is bigger than 1974.
I just saw them on tv push an orange fat chick outta the flood water at Rosalie up the hill :(
stay safe out there on higher ground..

Smiley - January 12th, 2011 at 10:56 AM

Originally posted by h
I just saw them on tv push an orange fat chick outta the flood water at Rosalie up the hill :(

A woman or a super? :ninja:

Smiley :cool:

oldskl60 - January 12th, 2011 at 02:39 PM

Bit of vid taken earlier today (8:30am)... Yes that is a fridge floating downstream.

Heading down to see where it is at now.


We are in Kangaroo Point but should be alright at 5.5m but much more and I will be looking to stash the beetle in some high ground...

Joel - January 12th, 2011 at 02:59 PM

Hoping everyone in affect areas has stocked up on supplies

Supermarkets look abit chaotic...

LIFE IN THE LOW LANE - January 12th, 2011 at 04:00 PM

Sandbagged work this morning from 6.30am till 12.30pm and moved everything that could be damaged by the water. Did this in hope that we could keep the cafe and offices dry but by 3pm we already had 200mm of water on the floors inside and slowly climbing. At least the water outside is a lot higher!! Going to be big hit on the pay packet this week with no work for the next 2-3 days or so and only doing 2 half days earlier in the week due to weather.....

beetleboyjeff - January 12th, 2011 at 04:07 PM

We are in Kangaroo Point but should be alright at 5.5m but much more and I will be looking to stash the beetle in some high ground...

My daughter & son in law are on fairly high ground in Springwood, if you don't mind parking your beetle with 2nd generation VWs (NB & Mk 4 VR6 Golf).

Give me a holler if you want contact details or anything.

h - January 12th, 2011 at 08:18 PM

my thoughts and best wishes are to you all who are directly and indirectly affected by the flood situation
keep your chin up and please don't take unnecessary risks
if u can crack a coldie n smile
i have a place at the sunny coart thats safe, high n dry n if u get stuck n need a place for your ride pm me
take care