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First it was 45C degrees then 50C and 45C today
68AutoBug - January 27th, 2011 at 04:35 PM


talk about HOT ....

45C which didn't feel all that hot.... while I was out in it for 3 minutes... :no:

then 50C Yesterday when the security door and everything else metal outside [in the shade] felt HOT....
many people had to put their water sprinkler on their air conditioners... [ did too for a few minutes]

Its 45C again today...

but You do get sort of used to it...
[before You pass out from heat exhaustion...]

I just went outside and put up My New Aussie flag on the flagpole... couldn't touch the flagpole naturally as it was in the sun...

THank God for Air Conditioners even if We can't afford to pay for the electricity....



TheBronze - January 27th, 2011 at 07:50 PM

I reckon the little man (or woman) shoveling coal into the furnace was working over time today, and he invited his mate.

Feels like there enjoying a beer now and letting it burn down.

Stockton yesterday was a scorcher. Check out my photos in the Offroad section. Lathering on the sunscreen and still managed to get burnt.

Back to work tomorrow and theres no aircon's there.

Hopefully tomorrow will be back down below the 40's.

I'm waiting patiently by the window for the sea breeze to kick in any moment now. Usually between 8.30 and 9.30 most summer nights.
