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Port Services Fee
tothemaxx - January 12th, 2012 at 10:12 PM

Hi Guys,

Just been contacted by the frieght agent and they gave me break down of the custom fees and charges and the Port Service Charges are $700?!! Does this sound right? I was told that it is the standard charges and that they charge $65 per cubic metre and the KG is 11.4 cbm. When I was organising the shipping earlier the shipping company I am dealing with stated that it is an unknown charges so I might not be subjected to it but now I am told that it is compulsary for all cars imported into this country. Well after some complaints to the frieght agent they reduced it $150 so doe that mean different freight fowarder charges different Port Service Charges Fee? Any more affordable company that anyone can recommend me to? Any help would be appreciated guys. Thanks


Rhys - January 12th, 2012 at 11:19 PM

$65/CBM is a pretty decent rate for port charges... I daresay you're not going to get anything cheaper than that especially if the goods are personal effects.

You can also expect to pay a doc fee (freight forwarder fee), delivery order fee, cmr (customs management reengineering fee-basically a fee for having to use customs programs), EDI (lodging stuff with customs) and maybe a security fee on top of that.

Plus there's going to be customs clearance, any AQIS or Customs charges and delivery...

Honestly, I'd take the $150 discount with open hands and stick with who you're with at the moment. $65/CBM is a lot cheaper than most freight forwarders would be willing to charge for a personal effects shipment. I'd also suggest staying with them for customs clearance/delivery otherwise they will raise the port charges to compensate for this.

Just my 2c worth...

helbus - January 12th, 2012 at 11:31 PM

A vehicle usually cost $4000 to import. If you are in this range, then suck it up.

tothemaxx - January 13th, 2012 at 10:43 AM

Yep it's in that range. I guess I have to suck it up then. Well at least the car is almost here. Thanks for the advice guys.

helbus - January 13th, 2012 at 05:58 PM

The company I work for have been involved in hundreds of imports, and $4000 is the benchmark price. The main thing they get from the importing company is service.