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What pisses me off?
Wannavee - March 25th, 2012 at 07:42 PM

I don't expect this post to be up for long

Some of you forum clowns that have no idea what a car is worth!
I am sick to death of reading your comments and 'advice' about what people should pay for cars that are listed on here and other forums.

If you have an opinion on what anyone has to sell or want's to buy, make sure you KNOW what that particular individual can expect to pay,not what your personal idea of an educated opinion might be.
2 of you idiots calling me saying my very nice 58 beetle was worth $3500 to 4000 instead of the $6200 I was asking for it on ebay, just because it wasnt totally original.
What are you, a moron or what?
Like I told you,how many rat cars and other pieces of rusty junk sells for $3500 to 4000 just because it's APPARENTLY totally original ?
I don't apologise for telling you where to go either

You know who you are,so keep your opinions to yourself if youre just out to make yourself look good to prospective buyers you idiots
My car has sold to one of the 6 people from ebay that were prepared to pay the full price

pod - March 25th, 2012 at 07:45 PM

well said

lardo - March 25th, 2012 at 07:47 PM

I agree with you whole heartedly!
The amount of "experts" on here that wouldn't know shit from clay is staggering & some of them are even in postions of admin .

StenGuns - March 25th, 2012 at 08:09 PM

Agree.. Wish I had said it..
Seems people who don't have the cash have big opinions and don't think for a minute about the strife they cause others.
PEOPLE.. If you don't intend to buy it.. We don't want to have your opinion..
AND if you don't have the cash.. Don't bid and win cars on Ebay!

vwo60 - March 25th, 2012 at 08:29 PM

A thing will sell for what people are prepaired to pay, if you are realistic about the price someone wil buy it, i agree about the experts commenting on the price even though they have no interest/ability in purchasing it.

bitemeoz - March 25th, 2012 at 08:33 PM

Agreed, if you are happy to pay the price don't bargain them down just pay it, it'll make you and the seller happy and everyone wins, the worlds karma is in balance. Just pisses people off lowballing.

helbus - March 25th, 2012 at 09:37 PM

I agree. Market prices are a tricky thing to get exact. Desirability plays a big part. With an auction you need minimum of two bidders, and the price will be the highest of the two. Desirability could be something as simple as colour. Imagine one buyer's mum used to have a car that colour, and the feelings for it, and the desire to get one is so great they must have it. I know that is one example, but it shows that a single sale does not have to reflect the market average, or the 'expert advice' that someone ho has not bought one of those cars in the last 5, 10, 20 years, or in some cases ever.

So in my opinion I would say that people should say something like "I would pay $xxxx for one of those" instead of saying "That price is a rip off". One is an opinion, the second is an attack on the seller. Yeah? Best way is to just let the ad run its course. Buyers should be able to make their own decisions or get professional help.

I do appraisals for purchases for a particular model of car (not VW), and I am strict and honest, both in costs required to fix anything, and realistic in regards to age of vehicle. People pay me for my time.

grimbear64 - March 26th, 2012 at 10:12 AM

well said its not what its worth that is important
but what somebody is willing to pay and my friends is the 64 thousand dollar question

gerggl - March 26th, 2012 at 11:57 AM

Agreed . some people have no decorum !

Camo - March 26th, 2012 at 01:08 PM

I also agree with all of the above and wish F.W. wouldn't publicly view their thoughts.

I have many a time thought that a car was not worth what someone was asking, but that is their problem if it doesn't sell.

I will admit, when I have seen something advertised as a particular thing, year, whatever and they have it wrong, I politely send them a message of a PM on here and offer my advice to help them, not to belittle them.

Recently happened over on DSK, some FW jumped to his mates defense when I was also trying to help him out.

Think, before you post.


h - March 26th, 2012 at 02:18 PM

here here, well put!

silver - March 26th, 2012 at 05:57 PM

Originally posted by Wannavee

2 of you idiots calling me saying my very nice 58 beetle was worth $3500 to 4000 instead of the $6200 I was asking for it

You know who you are

tell us who it was :lol::lol::lol:

Wannavee - March 26th, 2012 at 09:13 PM

Nah mate, I won't do that here or via pm's
And thanks to all that have sent me pm's too,it's appreciated