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Brisbane to Syd tranport for door needed.
type_one - May 17th, 2012 at 03:04 PM

Hi, is anyone driving down from Brisbane to Sydney that may be interested in some petrol money, I potentially need a KG door picked up from Brisbane but rather than use a courier would be happy to use a Veedubber to bring it down. Maybe you are on your way down to the nationals. if you are interested let me know. I will have to sort details out and how much you may want me to throw in for petrol. Every bit counts I guess. Of course must be same price as courier or less. Though happy to pay for over the top care of the item.

type_one - May 17th, 2012 at 03:04 PM

Hi, is anyone driving down from Brisbane to Sydney that may be interested in some petrol money, I potentially need a KG door picked up from Brisbane but rather than use a courier would be happy to use a Veedubber to bring it down. Maybe you are on your way down to the nationals. if you are interested let me know. I will have to sort details out and how much you may want me to throw in for petrol. Every bit counts I guess. Of course must be same price as courier or less. Though happy to pay for over the top care of the item.

lou0060 - May 17th, 2012 at 07:45 PM

hi type-one, I'm heading to the nationals leaving next friday. Only problem is I am on the north side and have a full week ahead trying to get ready for the trip so getting the door could be a problem. If they can get it to me I am happy to get it to Sydney for nothing, just don't think I'll be able to chase around up here to collect it.