Oh I so miss living in Southern California. My brother is currently at Nick's Burgers for the Pre-Classic gathering in Fullerton, CA. I SHOULD BE THERE WITH HIM! Maybe he will get me some photos I could post on here soon. Been two years since I have been there and to the VW Classic in Irvine. TOO LONG!
double yes please
Have quite a few friends there at the moment and already getting all the photos from the pre-show events.
Looking forward to getting back to so-cal next year for this!
had to head back through there last weekend but couldn't take leave (work and family reasons).
Will have to make it over that side in a few years when we live in D.C.
Too many beers in the host hotel carpark tonight to fathom uploading pics right now....gotta get up early for OCTO, will try and get some pics over
the next few days. Barndoor contingent this year has got to be seen to be believed - 5 barny sambas, 3 11 window sunroof barnys.....countless other 11
windows and SC barnies.....blah blah. Pics will come. Have run into a
heap of aussies already, weather is awesome, vws are insane....if you haven't done this trip already, start saving as its worth every penny.
My mate James (owns the grey oval vert and restored the blue bagdbug beetle that will both be there) he has taken a few cruising shots of the barnys
on the highway
some pics off of facebook
Jeez I hope there were no non-dubbers trying to get into Nick's
58 Barnies at OCTO today and a total of close to 350 splitties.....will get pics up as soon as I get a chance
Man they can put on a show or two over there! Big thanks for the pics mate.
looking fwd to ur pics Al nice one
Nicks had some great cars as usual but the cops shut it down super early booking people for jay walking and generally killing the vibe so people
started to peel our earlier than previous years.
Some pics:
non vw sorry
awesome I will get there one of these years
Thanks goodness for digital cameras, or else you woudl have spent a fortune on film.
Thanks for sharing!
Nice shots Al,
get some sleep already! You've got to get some rest so when you get back you are fine for Valla :P
thanks Al