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Real difficulty in changing gears
howjow - June 9th, 2012 at 10:43 PM

Okay guys, probably a really stupid question but - I'm having real difficulty in changing (or getting into) gears - especially 1st and 2nd. It's quite an effort to get in sometimes - esp when you have a line of cars behind you at the lights!

Is this a big (an expensive) problem to fix? I know it's probably hard to know without seeing it - but I dread to think how much this may need to get fixed.

Any thoughts/advice would be awesome -esp recommended mechanics. I'm in Northside Brisbane. Maybe Scorpio or Classic Vee Dub?


vlad01 - June 9th, 2012 at 11:08 PM

what oil do you have in the box. May I suggest running a thinner oil? just make sure it has the same ratings which I think for vw is hypoid gear oil?

can someone confirm if this is correct?

I had a similar problem in my other car which has just shy of 1/2 a million km on the box. factory spec'd the oil at 80w 90 which made it hard to get into gears especially when cold, so i put in 75w 80 and is sweet as and have done so since 380,000 km mark and still works a treat.

Contrary to what people generally believe, thinner oil as engines and gear boxes wear can and often do help were thicker oil can make problems much worse.

narumi - June 10th, 2012 at 03:03 AM

Last time my gearbox was like that.
I put a second hand box in which I got for $75
and then I sold my old one for the same price
yes, the buyer was aware of the fact that the synchros are worn and all that
so it ended up costing me oils and PTFE additives. lol

dangerous - June 10th, 2012 at 05:12 AM

Check that there IS actually some oil in there,
and while you are there, make sure the clutch is adjusted correctly.

Spook - June 10th, 2012 at 09:03 AM

Had this problem with a superbug years ago.
In my case, it was the rubber "uni joint', under your back seat, that connects the gearstick to the box.
If that's flogged, the gearstick wont be turning it far enough over.
As I say, that's what MY problem was.

bajachris88 - June 10th, 2012 at 11:35 AM

If you haven't replaced your shifter rod coupler or shifter rod bush, assume its failed.

as stated, check the shifter rod coupler under the back seat in the tunnel. it connects your shift rod to the gear selector of the gearbox. If the rubber inside is perished allowing play it can give you a VERY hard time whilst feeling like an expensive issue (although new rod coupler is quite cheap). I lost 1st and 2nd completely as a result of mine letting go (disassembled itself while hitting the dirt).

Shifter rod bush removes play too, allows for a 'tight' feel. Should still be able to shift though if it is perished.

matberry - June 10th, 2012 at 12:00 PM

Trans oil, clutch or shifter bush/adjustment....that covers the possibilities. Andre at Scorpio or Pete at Custom Vee Dub will be able to help.

Does it go into gear normally and easily without engine running or does it still feel difficult/notchy??? if still fells odd, adjustment, if feels totally normal, clutch.

narumi - June 11th, 2012 at 12:01 AM

talk about shift coupler... all i did was squeezing the metal casing into the rubber.

howjow - June 11th, 2012 at 06:00 PM

Thanks everyone. As always, all of your advice is greatly appreciated for a new veedubber like me. I might give Andre a call and get him to check it out for me - as I'm not the most mechanically minded. I wonder if the day will ever come when I'll be able to help out a fellow veedubber with advice?