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Not vw: Looking for Mechanical Engineering Work Experience. (Free labor)
bajachris88 - June 18th, 2012 at 07:15 PM

Hello dubbers!

I'm a 4th year Mechanical Engineering Student at QUT and i'm pretty much promoting everywhere because it seems the majority (thus far) of employers are looking for graduates as opposed to undergrads. But undergrads at QUT can't graduate without work experience lol. A phonebook and 'call bomb' session didn't work for the local area, but will try towards CBD soon.

Anyways, If anyone wants a motivated junior (myself) to work free of charge for a minimum of 30 days doing mechanical engineering work experience under the supervision of a qualified engineer, please contact me here, or email me at and i can call you and email a resume.

I'm on the south side (Cornubia, near Loganholme/hyperdome) and am VERY willing to travel. I have own car and licence. I'm more than keen to work for free, but none the less wouldn't say no to a wage offered and potential permanent job/career. :) I'm able to work up to 4 days a week for the rest of the year while i do my thesis.

It is simply you get free labor/ free employee, and I get my work experience requirement achieved.

Thanks for reading,

waveman1500 - June 18th, 2012 at 08:08 PM

Good luck mate. I'm studying Mechanical and Automotive Engineering at Adelaide. I was lucky enough to do my work experience at the Holden plant in Elizabeth, 12 months full time and paid. I wish you the best of luck.

bajachris88 - June 18th, 2012 at 09:04 PM

thanks mate :). Good job on the work experience!

I gave the holden test centre at jacobs well a call to see about working in the R & D dept, but they had bloody shut it down! Its merely a 'fast lap' and driver training centre now, so the old grumpy granny said on the phone when i dropped em' the line. No engineering onsite at all any more.

Boy was she a grumpy sod... didn't want anything to do with anybody lol.

Bizarre - June 18th, 2012 at 09:39 PM


Have you tried all the major air cond companies??

AG Coombs, AE Smith, Siganto & Stacey??

Here is a list of mech companies in Qld 

Just dont ring Hastie :(
guess who I (use) to work for :td::td::td:

bajachris88 - June 18th, 2012 at 09:53 PM

Thanks mate! i'll give em' a go! I only rang one AC engineering mob in kingston thus far.

I just conveniently completed HVAC as an elective this semester, should hopefully give me a foot in a the door.

again, many thanks, i appreciate these leads and will give them a buzz. :tu:
Hastie sounds nasty! Dilbert style moments? lol, dare i ask!

Bizarre - June 18th, 2012 at 09:58 PM

If you are interested - give me a call to discuss.
I am Sydney based but into HVAC - use to be Optimus, except were were part of the Hastie collapse :(
If you can get onto them, people often get taken on the larger sites as a "go-fer" All good for your uni.
Smiths and Siggies have taken over from Hastie's demise on the Gold Coast Uni Hospital (BIG job!) and should be interested

Also look up Mechanical Services consultants
They could be interested in a copy boy

bajachris88 - June 18th, 2012 at 10:03 PM

Alrighty :tu:

If thats ok with you, i wouldn't mind having a chat and get some pointers, again as long as you don't mind.
Feel free to u2u me your mob or phone and i'll give you a call on wednesday late morn when i'm fresh and got a book and pen out and don't need to be anywhere.

I'll have a think about some questions i'll ask you in the mean time so i don't waste your time.

again, many thanks.

BiX - June 19th, 2012 at 11:31 AM

is there a particular area you want to go into?

I did mine as a industry project (civil), which meant it knocked of my thesis and work experience, does QUT offer this?

See if there is a small project or R&D work you can get, it normally gives a company a reason to hire you and if they want R&D done, normally the student has access to professors which makes it more attractive to the company.

Best advice is get your CV out to as many people as possible and call call call.

We normally pick up one of the top civil students in year 3 and then keep them on, part time until graduation rather than specific work experience students. You normally get given the crap to do, I remember one of our guys, spent 4 months processing data from the 1970's into a spreadsheet, but then another did a IFD analysis for indonesia.

matberry - June 19th, 2012 at 12:22 PM

I know an air cond. company owner that's also a Volksie guy. Txt or pm me for his number

karmann54 - June 19th, 2012 at 02:43 PM

Back in the day (I graduated in 1989, Mechanical) it was almost a rite of passage to go spend one Xmas holidays up at the mines in Mt Isa. Gave you all the days required plus a bucket-load of cash. I also did some industry work which led to my thesis which BiX has already mentioned.

I work at a fertiliser/petro-chem plant in Brisbane, we have a few grads on at the moment so there is probably only some pretty mundane stuff about but if you are keen (and desperate) shoot through a PM and I'll see what I can do. You would get paid, we just don't let people work for nothing.


bajachris88 - June 20th, 2012 at 09:19 PM

Thanks for the chat today Barry, got a clear idea of where to look. Should be able to get some bites. It was very nice of you to take the time out of your day to give me some wisdom and pointers.

Bix: Not to sound silly, but i'm not sure where i want to specialise yet, as i haven't got my feet wet in the industries to know what i like as such. So far, all sounds intellectually stimulating and interesting (whether it be HVAC, mining, reliability engineering, automotive, aviation or robots etc. etc.). I can combine projects as work experience and thesis, if it came up i could do that. I tried to set it up, so far i have tee-ed up with a professor setting up a gas testing rig for thesis work, it involves me doing the pipe engineering, construction and control systems. But because he is a physicist (as opposed to an engineer) and because he is affiliated with QUT the work experience head lady said it won't quality as work experience :(. Bugger! Shame, because in essence it would be more engineering and stimulating then say a coffee maker in the office lol. Beaurocrisy dammit!

Mr. Berry!: i'll give you a pm in a sec :), another contact to ad to the list. Plus being a volksie guy, it means we're already going to get along lol.

Angus: I know of quite a few fellow students that did that. Last summer vacation i had applied for quite a few vacation work experience opportunities on a QUT career hub online. From working with waste water for council in grafton (was willing to travel and live temporarily in a tent in grafton to achieve the work experience lol), to SEQWater (got an interview but was second preferred choice after a follow up call and there was only 1 position available), Rio Tinto (got a phone interview and rejection email lol), and half a dozen others haha. This was prior to me seeing a careers councillor, and the resume and cover letter went through a complete dissection and reconstruction. I'll send you a pm shortly as i wouldn't turn down any offer for an opportunity. I'm taking all open doors at the moment and appreciate the offer for assistance, thank you very muchly.

Its reached crunch time to do the work experience to satisfy QUT requirements, however i'm also ready mentally for the transistion into a professional work life too (i feel). I been working since 16, but you know what i mean. Something more meaningful and working towards a more important cause then casual retail. University also has this juvenile feeling i can't shake off and its time for me to be a free man and move on into industry.

BiX - June 21st, 2012 at 04:38 PM

Is your gas testing rig for leak testing or quaility testing? have you approached QGC/Santos etc about working with them on the project? That would get it signed off as work experince I think. I may be able to drag up a contact or too with both, but more on the civil side. It would may be a way in anyway as they would hopefully know who to speak to.

If you could be a little more specific with where you want to go, I may have some other leads on where to go, but they are only faint leads. if your interested in aircon/ventilation, try sending Sanp Crackle Pop on here a PM, or send me a PM for his email address.

I was a little like you in not knowing where to go, my career has evolved in 10 years from enciro work to doing urban stormwater design to now designing mines and dams. I am no moving into heap leach and TSF design..... The trick is just to get a foot in the door somewhere and then go form there, specially in the first 5 years or so.

volumex - June 21st, 2012 at 08:05 PM

Hey Chris,
I work at Worleyparsons in Brisbane city, and we usually take on a bunch of vacation care students every year.
We are mainly doing coal seam gas work at the moment.
Send me a PM if you are interested.

bajachris88 - June 24th, 2012 at 10:40 PM

Originally posted by BiX
Is your gas testing rig for leak testing or quaility testing? have you approached QGC/Santos etc about working with them on the project? That would get it signed off as work experince I think. I may be able to drag up a contact or too with both, but more on the civil side. It would may be a way in anyway as they would hopefully know who to speak to.

Sorry for being vague lol. The gas testing set up is for this physics professor's experimentation with observing the change in resistivity of gases depending on the concentrations of the consituents involved.

Involves plumbing, mixing and controlling the feed rates of up to 8 input gases being passed through. The gases, once mixed enter a test chamber consisting of a plate with 5 sensors mounted on top of thermocouples. These sensors are plumbed into some feedthroughs, which meet a computer that both controls the mix flow, and monitors the results.

I spose you could say its a quality testing setup, in regards to the behaviour of the mix? If i could get industry involved it'll probably even chime up a smile on the physicist fella. (Dr. Nunzio).

Designing mines and dam's would be a huge responsibility. But it must feel good to drive past thinking, 'i did that' :D. Something big and meaningful, towards the progress of humankind.