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replacement shock absorber rubbers ?????
Special Air Service - July 18th, 2012 at 07:34 PM

Dont shoot me down but....

can you still buy replacement rubber bushes for the eyes of shock absorbers?
I know that most of you will say that if the bushes are worn out then the shocks are worn out, but bear with me, just want to drag a little more life out of them while i get the cash together for a decent set.

I'm talking about my T3 caravelle for what is worth,


68AutoBug - July 18th, 2012 at 07:41 PM

Originally posted by Special Air Service

I know that most of you will say that if the bushes are worn out then the shocks are worn out,

I'm talking about my T3 caravelle for what is worth,


If Your shocks are actually worn out, they will have very little if any effect on Your worn rubbers..
No pressure... No noise...

I only had this problem back in the 70's with a type 3 variant.
I used to buy generic rubbers.. Two half rubbers so You just pushed one in each side...
putting a full one in was impossible for Me... lol..
unless I left the steel bush out.. lol
but I know a lot more now.. lol

Maybe repco or auto one may still have them..

the two halves don't last as long as the original one piece but very easy to install...
some soapy water and a vyce may make installing the full ones easier now... lol
I believe they were a standard rubber bushing... common now too

something else I've done in last few years is cut the rubber and steel bush out of an old shock... lol
rubbers are usually OK...



gerggl - July 19th, 2012 at 02:20 PM

Really Lee ... rubbers are still OK ??? :no:

68AutoBug - July 19th, 2012 at 06:19 PM

Originally posted by gerggl
Really Lee ... rubbers are still OK ??? :no:

go and cut some shock rubbers out

usually You will find they are OK..

takes a lot to chop them out..

and once the shock has leaked, the shock just goes up & down..

Especially with light cars like beetles , remembering that the same rubbers are used in many shocks on all sorts and weights of cars.. that is why they are used, as its very difficult to compress the rubber between the shock and steel bushing... and they do usually last the life of a shock on a beetle etc..

I don't use the old rubbers but just get the steel bush out of them as they can come in handy at times.
and not on a car... lol


Matt Ryan - July 19th, 2012 at 08:17 PM


Lazy bones,

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See you at Valla.

