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tar76 - August 13th, 2012 at 07:17 PM

Right now bris 31 classic restos VW nationals

bajachris88 - August 13th, 2012 at 07:22 PM

Did they say when the telecast for Valla owuld be on by any chance?

warb - August 13th, 2012 at 07:31 PM

schhhh.. keep it on the QT... 

warb - August 13th, 2012 at 07:34 PM

"Hello, this is fletch. I have the utmost pleasure to inform you that I recently covered the VW Spectacular @ Valla Beach NSW, and two (2) T.V episodes are already cut, put together, and are going to air next week !!!

Classic Restos airs in Brisbane, TVS Sydney, C31 Melbourne, C31 Adelaide & WTV Perth – all @ different times on CH44 digital free-to-air. However, I can say that Sydney and Melbourne (going to plan) will air the first episode next week, and the second episode the week after….

Regional Australia (except the NSW North Coast) will see these episodes in around 5 or 6 weeks time on GOLD….this also includes Canberra A.C.T & Tasmania.

Keep in mind that the weekly Classic Restos episodes can be viewed on-line @  from anywhere around the World.

Again, I wish to thank the Volkswagen fraternity, along with Donna Pell and her organising crew, to provide us with one of the best VW show events, that I have pretty well ever seen…

Drive & ride safe, until next time,


Classic Restos"

1303Steve - August 13th, 2012 at 07:44 PM


Did anybody else think that Fletch looks like a long lost Penrose?

In that video I had just had major dental surgery 4 days before and I was shitting myself
