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Another barn find story - not VW
Bizarre - September 8th, 2012 at 09:21 AM

Got an email yesterday - not VW but I would still happily own any one of them

Attached are photos of some cars that were found in a shed purchased for $15,000 AUD behind a pub in South Africa.
38 x Ford GT’s ranging in years (approx value 1 - 2 hundred thousand each as collector’s items).
6 x Monaro’s 4 x 327 and 2 x 350 (approx value 40 – 50 thousand plus each as collectors’ items).
4 x Ford Cortina GT’s (unknown value but could be anything up to 50 thousand each).
These are GENUINE GT’s however the GT’s that were made for South Africa were badged as Fairmont GT’s.
In some of the photos you'll also see what looks like an HT Monaro. This has the same body, interior, etc as the
Australian Monaro with a few minor differences and was badged as a Chevy SS.

Bizarre - September 8th, 2012 at 09:22 AM


waltermitty - September 8th, 2012 at 05:31 PM

Nice cars but not a barn find. I came over these photos when i weas looking for a second vehicle for a 40 ft container from South Afreica.
The post below is from the SA muscle car forum.

Hi there BLKWDOW,

The 38 GT's that is stated in that thread is bullshit. There was 10 XYGT's & 1 Chev SS Monaro. These cars were found all together in a barn/shed so that's correct info.
Those photos were taken around May 2008.

The buyer is an expat from South Africa now residing in Perth Western Australia. He claimed to have a museum to acquire the cars from owners in SA .To my knowledge owning a museum is not correct. As far as I know as soon as the cars arrived in Oz they were advertised for $75k each so this may support the non museum question.

I inspected the cars in August 2008 & can say the importers son was very helpful and polite to myself and he was more than happy to give me the MS33 VIN details for my registry which I am very thankful.

I will add this how ever the biggest importers of " bulk" Fairmont GT & Monaro's besides the actual companies of Ford & Holden in its origin have been fellow country men & ex pats residing in Australia.

I know of one importer who brought in 80 Fairmont GT's, he use to get his family to purchase the cars in SA and send them over he would then sell them and send back a % of the profits. It was a nice little business till they ran dry!!!

Now the mighty Fairmont GT is fastly becoming extinct in South Africa. 

gerggl - September 9th, 2012 at 09:55 AM

Now that is business .....!

Lucky Phil - September 9th, 2012 at 07:16 PM

I had no idea so many big aussie cars were sold in South Africa.
Can't say I blame them for wanting them.
I wonder how many bleddy sooth efricens owe their life to a piece of good old aussie muscle?