Lookin for a T3 single cab for a mate to use as a promo vehicle for his surfboard business.
Despite telling him to go for a Lowie or a split, he has decided to focus on the ugly duckling T3. Anyone out there know of one for sale? The business
operates out of Byron but there is no limit to how far he will go for the right car.
Send me a txt on 0414726194 as I rarely get time to get online these days.
All help appreciated
Bit crude on ugly duckling but you could try contacting Rosco in Grafton (or that area) as he advertised one last ed of VWMA.
Ha Ha
yes, Crude but accurate!
out of all the busses VW have developed, the T# would have to be the least attractive!
But, that's only my opinion and perspective is a matter of preference.
Thanks for the hookup w Rosco. The blue one sold, but he has another white one for sale.
cheers all