This is my sisters car so please call her for any questions or u2u me and i wil ask her. Her name is Rhondda on 02 9672 8313.
It is a 76 golf that has been used as a daily driver for some years now. Her and her husband are selling as they have purchsed a van for the
It Has Nov 2005 rego and she can supply a pink slip.
Interior is nice and was done a few years ago.
Paint is nice and was done at the same time I think.
It has cal look type rubber all round with no chrome trim.
The dash is brand new and completly crack free.
Windows are tinted.
The engine is a brand new reco'd 1800cc that they recently paid $1800 for. The car goes very well and is an absolute gem on petrol.
It does however have a busted up door lock where some delightful broke into it to steal of all thing the gear knob.
They are after offers around $1900. which is just over the cost of the motor. Would be a great run around for somebody.
soooo nice
congrats and should be a good car for a first driver
be a 30 yrs next year looks like new
Panther mica??& a RARE SWALLOW TAIL!!! put sum mk2 pursuit rims on her & she'll look so nice.. Good luck with the sale..
Still for sale