Preferably a square, but a notch or fasty will also be considered. Funds to a couple of grand. A little bit of work is no problem.
Post or u2u would be groovy!
South East Queensland or near would be ultra groovy!
Thanks oh gracious and unsullied ones,
This auto is in Adelaide. It's been off the road for about 8 years so needs a good going over. I did drive it around the block a month ago, trans was
good but lacking power. possibly stale fuel. If your interested lets talk.
Cheers Dave
Thanks Mate!
I checked out transporting an Auto Square from SA a few month's back and it would have cost over a grand. That's a bit of a budget killer. Looks
nice though!
Still lookin'!
G'day mate, I have a 72 type 3 notch for sale, I have sent you a U2U this morning, I would post a picture but don't know how. Cheers Damien.
66 - you have U2U!
it this blue machine still avaliable?