Tim ..have you seen this...another project though!!!
...Iwas tempted and have the owners phone no if your keen u2u
I have a type 3 wagon if your interested. Can do the photo thing is you wish
woodsy, would be good! tim@frenzix.com
will break the digitital camera out tomorrow and take some shots. will send them to your email address
photos done and sent to your tim@frezix.com. Let us know what you think or if you are interested
VOLKSADICT, that, engine in a basket is a neet idea, makes a nice change from chicken in a basket!! i'd love those wheels on my notch!!, they'd be real spinney! yay!
I've got a 73 sitting im my yard complete would suit a scruffy rego with lichen and surface rust on the roof .Its complete with lowback seats and a
very good interior and a good engine ,009 and dumped on the ground , justs needs pan bolted back up (swapped from auto to 71 manual pan) plenty of
spares if needed and another wagon can be cannibalised for other parts. if interested give me a buzz 0428 427 986 klaus
I'm in wollongong
[ Edited on 2-11-2006 by Klaus ]