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[WTB - QLD] Morris Mini
jjwebb123 - March 15th, 2010 at 05:17 PM

I want a cheap mini,that is for sale in qld.
will look at anything,but needs to be cheap.

TheMiniMan - March 15th, 2010 at 08:19 PM

e-bay is your friend for minis

there is a little green one with red boot lid on there right now , started cheap probably go for a grand ,,,

that`s still cheap for a mini these days

bnicho - March 15th, 2010 at 08:45 PM

Minis and Vee-Dubs can co-exist nicely, can't they MiniMan? :D

jjwebb123 - March 15th, 2010 at 08:47 PM

yeah i like minis too.

68AutoBug - March 15th, 2010 at 09:45 PM

Originally posted by jjwebb123
I want a cheap mini,that is for sale in qld.
will look at anything,but needs to be cheap.

I have always had an interest in Minis...
but never wanted to actually own one... lol

they are pretty rare these days....

but still see the odd one about....

they are usually the early sliding window 850 too...

I did see a mini panel van a while ago... not sure where...
now they are rare... father in law had one...


bnicho - March 15th, 2010 at 09:52 PM

There are loads of Minis around! Maybe less than VW's but still plenty to choose from if you are not after a rare model like a genuine Cooper.

Just look at the forum on  for some education.

A bit of trivia. I wanted a Beetle as my first car, but we couldn't find a good one at the time (20 years ago). So I ended up with my second choice - a Mini.

I've had a few Minis since, but I'm yet to snare a Beetle. Maybe later this year... :tu:


68AutoBug - March 15th, 2010 at 10:53 PM

I have seen a Riley Elf.... which is a Mini with rear fins with tail lamps.. very rare in Australia... Front is also different...

I also saw a UK Mini...
they are very different to the Australian minis..

not many people know the differences....

the grills are a giveaway.... even the shape....


bnicho - March 16th, 2010 at 06:40 AM

Yes, the Riley Elf and Wolseley Hornet are very rare.

Mini Travellers - the "woody" two door wagon variant, not be confused with the more common panelvan, are also rare. I count myself very fortunate to have one, even though it is in poor condition. For me, it is the ultimate Mini.

There are hundreds of 80's-90's Minis in Australia now, all coming in as grey imports or personal imports from the UK and Japan. The Japan spec cars usually have air con, which was not an option in the UK. You can spot them by the larger grilles, one piece door windows, hidden door hinges, reversing lights in the rear clusters and different boot-lid shape around the numberplate.

Early Aus-spec cars with sliding windows are similar to early UK cars, but the development for UK and Aus specs took different paths. We got windup windows before the UK did! But our windup doors are different to UK doors and they don't interchange. Aus production finished in 1978, with the UK trickling on until 2000.
