Hi Guys
I've just removed the engine and am stripping off all of the tinware so that I can see what it is missing.
I have attached a photo of some sort of sensor that was screwed into the head above # 1 cylinder. I am sure that it was not connected to the ECU or
any Cylinder Head Temp Gauge...can anybody tell me what it is and point me to a website?
looks like a temperature sender...
but not from a beetle.. lol
from a later model car by the terminal at the top..??
Pull it out and show us the end that screws into the head and can tell you a bit more, but yeah - for my money it'll be a Coolant Temp Sensor that's
just been tapped into the head to get Head Temp... very common way of doing things.
100% definite it doesn't normally exist on a Beetle, but may be from a modern VW (I have repurposed a Golf fuel pressure sensor into my aircooled
Beetle for example).
Doesn't look like a metric thread tho, so suspect it's a cheapy Chinese generic.
Does it have any markings on the black plastic part... like a part number perhaps ???
Hi guys
It just has a long threaded piece that screws into the head. The only marking is a CI in the body. You can see it in the photo.
it could be a coarse metric thread as used on some japanese cars..
or whitworth if anyone uses it these days???
looks too coarse even for pipe thread...
maybe a very coarse thread so nothing else can be screwed into the hole??
Hi Guys
Here is another photo of the mystery sender.
I can screw on one of the engine mounting stud nuts.
Yup - Coolant Temp Sensor for sure, just being used to get Head Temp (as said - very common).
Unless of course it goes through and the end touches air/oil inside the rocker area... then it'd be measuring oil temp.
Thanks Dave
I though it was something like that.