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Best dizzy for mild 1916
satori - April 14th, 2013 at 05:54 PM

Just wondering what's the best dizzy to run for a mild 1916 which will end up having dual 40mm any pro's and con's about going electronic vs points? Thanks

Bizarre - April 14th, 2013 at 06:27 PM

definitely go electronic

Bottom choice would be a 009 with pertronics or something similar

I run a Scorcher - effectively a Magna dizzy with bosh parts
Not bad - but has a rotor
I think aroud $300 - $400

I am not sold on the Dis X coil packs yet

I dont think a MSD set up is worth the $$ on a mild motor

satori - April 14th, 2013 at 07:40 PM

so can you go SVDA on webbers and does it have just as good effects as they do on single carb dual port engines.

Lucky Phil - April 14th, 2013 at 07:55 PM

svda is a waste of time on twin webbers as there is no vacuum take off for the vacuum can.
stick with the 009.

h - April 14th, 2013 at 08:08 PM


DakDak67 - April 14th, 2013 at 11:53 PM

009 recurved to suit your specs, keep clear if Chinese or Brazil made shite. Bosch points with Bosch blue coil. Stock copper core leads. Old school cool, and it's something you can repair on a dark country road with a torch. Step it up with a billet big cap Mallory unit or similar , My choice for a budget electronic unit would be a Scorcher dizzy recurved with a Cannonball unit. Pertronix and Compufire is cheap junk . Sorry but it is.
MSD systems are a waste on a none blown engine , multi spark is only used when there is a serious wind to blow out the spark. But if you want to impress the lads at the Maccas car park, go ahead and fit MSD with fancy red silicone leads... (That break down after 12 months of use on a hot air cooled engine ) .

Just my opinionated opinion....

vwo60 - April 15th, 2013 at 07:34 AM

my 44 IDF's and 40 IDF's both have a vacuum port on one of the carbs in the set, both have a plug in the end that can be removed and a hose attached for the dissy,. 009 works fine with them.

Bizarre - April 15th, 2013 at 07:46 AM


Where do you get the Cannonball unit from?


DakDak67 - April 16th, 2013 at 08:38 PM

Originally posted by Bizarre

Where do you get the Cannonball unit from?

Mate, I used Performance Ignition Services in Victoria , they build Scorcher dissys and use the Crane modules. You can buy the Crane fireball ignition systems from eBay or straight from the states quite cheaply. Choose from basic coils to adjustable systems. A bit cheaper than MSD if someone wants a quality electronic high power system. Don't get me wrong, MSD is great, just bloody expensive for a mild street engine.