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removing front door handle
xerxes - July 10th, 2013 at 01:00 PM

Just wondering if there is a way to remove the front door handle on my 67 beetle (it's an aussie so 1964 handles) while the door is locked/closed - it won't open/unlock from outside or inside and don't know if something has broken or slipped out of alignment in there - anything I can try?
Thanks in advance

Bizarre - July 10th, 2013 at 04:23 PM

Guessing if you take the driver seat out you could then take the trim off.

You should then be able to activate the latches manually.

Good luck.

xerxes - July 10th, 2013 at 05:36 PM

i've taken the door trim off etc fiddled around under there i can't really feel what's happening/not happening - the square bit of the handle that the key fits in is a bit loose - i'll see if i can find any more vids on how the latch works to try and visualize what's there - thanks bizarre it's a pain and i can't lock the car up cause the passenger side only locks from inside - ahh the joys...

psimitar - July 10th, 2013 at 06:50 PM

Fraid not. the handle screws are on the side of the door just above the latch so door needs to be open to remove the handle.

Either way tho the interior handles pushrod should activate the latch unless the outer handle has jammed things somehow? Maybe the pin that is pressed my the door lock slider has sheared off?

matberry - July 10th, 2013 at 07:06 PM

The outside button pushes on a plunger pin that is about the diameter of a drinking straw. When the key is operated it slides a metal flap out of the way so the pin is no longer contacted by the button. I'd be sliding something between the ext door handle and the pin and trying to push it as the button normally would. The interior handle pulls on a lever on the front inside corner of the lock mechanism. ..... good luck.

68AutoBug - July 10th, 2013 at 08:17 PM


Can You push the outside button IN?? NO?

and I presume You cannot turn the handle inside to unlock it?

Sounds like the locking part that the key fits into isn't unlocking?

You may need to angle grind that handle to get it off so You can unlock the door...

or the nasty way is knock a screwdriver into the key slot and hope it will unlock !!! but it won't unlock with the key...!!
as it seems the key lock has the door locked??
plus You would be wrecking the key barrel..


xerxes - July 10th, 2013 at 10:05 PM

thanks for input guys - I can push the handle in and the key does turn both ways (lock/unlock) and on the inside I can turn the handle but i've got a feeling it's not fully unlocking - when i put my fingers up and under as it were i can feel a pin coming out of the door part when i move the handle on the inside but it's not engaging with anything i can still have my finger space there not sure if this pin is supposed to only go that far or depress further - i found a picture so I'll have another go and see if i can feel tomorrow whether all the bits are there ie the metal flap - done the usual thing and sprayed the lube just in case anything has just jammed - thanks again :)

68AutoBug - July 10th, 2013 at 11:49 PM

Best of Luck

I would say that the locking/unlocking pin etc is just worn out..

If I were You I would take the other side door handle off..
look under the door rubber , just one screw...
and see how the push button works... and if You can see why the other one isn't working..

If I had a push button door handle here I would check it out but don't have one.
I know one of the semi- locals just bought two new door handles from the USA for his 65 beetle..


xerxes - July 11th, 2013 at 09:06 PM

Thanks Lee might be right there the 'pin' is now not coming out at all - I found a spare passenger side one that I have and I can see where the pin is and how it works it feels like there is no spring on the pin so maybe something has happened to the pin and now the spring is not there either :D - think i'm gonna have to leave to to an expert... thanks for all your help - if we manage to get the door open i'll let you know how we did it!!