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jiminy_cricket - January 3rd, 2014 at 11:46 AM

I have reading info on EFI. There's not much on the weber redline kit. Does anybody know of / heard of / seen it in action? In a naturally aspirated engine? The kit is listed here: 

psimitar - January 3rd, 2014 at 09:02 PM

This is fairly descriptive Webber Redline EFI

It seems fairly comprehensive with usual EFI stuff. Contains All 5 sensors 1: map sensor in ECU, 2: Engine Temp sensor, 3: air Temp sensor, 4: Throttle Position Sensor, 5: O2 (Oxygen) Sensor. All fully functioning and mapable from simple desk top dash board system.

I think it's better than some out there as it has both TPS and MAP sensors. This gives better 3D mapping capability in the ECU so the engine will run more efficiently and with better power than a system using just one of these sensors.

Lateral - January 5th, 2014 at 10:12 AM

Hi Michael

You may be interested in this: 


Lateral - January 5th, 2014 at 03:51 PM
