I recently swapped out my Bosch points based distributor as the cams had had it.
First mistake was buying an Ebay special - one of the clear capped electronic variants.
Anyways - having fitted the electronic version, I'm now having issues dialling in the timing.
If I follow the advice I've researched, which seems to be to strobe light for 28-30 degrees at 2800-3000 rpms, I can't get a decent idle.
Of course I've played with the carb (a new 34PICT Bocar - probably my next mistake) to try any counteract the action of getting the timing right, but
seemingly to no avail.
Anyone have any tips they can share?...please don't suggest switching back to the Bosch....I burnt that having wired it back to the wrong coil
terminal at the weekend....now awaiting a new condenser.
No rush - If you do have some magic to share, I've still got to get a head repair to fix a stripped No 1 spark plug hole....arrrrrgggghhhh.
Um, kinda not helped yourself here by fitting two new things at the same time.
Ideally you would fit the carb first with a correctly timed dizzy to dial the carb in and then fit the dizzy, or vice versa, but both together makes
trouble shooting far more difficult.
I would actually start by putting points on the new dizzy cos these cheap, shit elec units have a habit of being bad right from leaving the
Or you could pop the magnet ring and elec baseplate from the new dizzy and put on the old bosch as those new cheap dizzys can have loads of play in
the shaft from new.
By you timing method you use a 009 instead of an SVDA? 009 are worthless paperweights and the orig SVDA will give better driving and MPG.
Web search for carb tuning the PICT as quite a few indepth pages available.
Cheers - you've confirmed what I already knew but failed to act on (in time).
I had the car dragged to Pete @ Custom VeeDub this morning, so once he's sorted the head thread I reckon I'll try and source a Bosch dizzy with
points and convert that to electronic once I've resolved the timing and 34-Pict tune.
no worries Hope it works out for ya.