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VW Beetle Type 1 Solex 28PCI Carburettor
cruise98 - October 18th, 2014 at 07:39 PM

hi guys
I have a 59 beetle with a manual choke 28 type 1 carby
I see carby kits can be sourced
mine is leaking badly out of both sides of acc shaft
there is 2 nuts either side
my question are there seals in there or is the shaft just worn
or have a got a leak internal that's causing the leak

psimitar - October 19th, 2014 at 12:00 AM

Could be just the body that has worn where the shaft fits or could also be the shaft has some wear too.

I had the guy that makes replacement bronze bushes for later carbs in the UK make me up a set for the 28PCI. Then you just need to get a machine shop to either ream to size for the bushes to fit or use the milling machine to create a nice true hole through for spindle holes.

If the shaft is worn then a length of 8mm stainless bar will work and if you aren't too handy with the tools then a machine shop can cut the slit, tap the ends, square them off and polish the shaft.

Or try to find a carb reconditioners near you if you can :)