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Setting up adjustable front narrowed beam
oldturtle22 - May 9th, 2015 at 06:41 AM

I have a 59 beetle with a 4in narrowed beam and drop spindles. 

Ive heard theres a way of setting up the position of the adjusters. 

Whats your experiences/opinions on this? 


psimitar - May 9th, 2015 at 06:22 PM

I got mine up on large retaining wall blocks so I could easily and safely get under the car.

I also made sure the adjusters were in fully raised position before I started. Then I used a jack to take the weight of the car so i could wind down the adjuster a few turns each and then let the jack down to see where the car settled. then just kept doing this till at the height I wanted plus slightly higher than I wanted to allow for the suspension settling.