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VW Specialty Tools
modnrod - July 15th, 2015 at 07:25 PM


I was thinking of investing in some VW Special Tools to use on my stuff here at home in the shed.
Unfortunately nowadays price, brand name, or advertising references are no guarantee of "fit-for-purpose", let alone reasonable quality, so I'm hoping to draw on some other experiences from people who have purchased these tools for themselves.

As an example, the "Torque Tool" used to remove flywheels and/or rear axle nuts is the best damn thing I think I've ever seen! You will NEVER for a second regret the purchase, it is worth every single cent. No more using a 5ft steampipe breaker bar :lol:
The "Bench cylinder head jig" for removing valve springs and collets is also a really good little tool to simplify and speed up head work.

The particular tool I'm interested in is the cylinder head and cases flycutting tool.
One of these things........ 

If I had it in my hands I could see and feel the quality, or lack of, but I'm a long way from anywhere, so any practical experience from those who have one would help greatly.