Hi Dubbers,
I have a stock 1500 engine in (out at the moment) my 56 beetle. I also have a pair of Empi 34 twin carbs.
Is it worth fitting these carbs to the engine while it is out of the car. i.e. will this 'enhance' the performance of my car or will it be too much
carby on a stock 1500?
Twin or Single Port?
If they are too much, i think they can be jetted down anyway..
Single Port
They are worth while fitting to the car; the stock engines are under-carbureted so adding this will be a nice boost in mid to top end poke.
You can fit them whilst out of the car but I doubt you'll get the engine back in if you don't have a removable rear apron; the added width won't
allow it to go back up under the car typically.
You'll need SP manifolds if you haven't already and as Craig said will need to fit thm after the engines back in as they hang over the side engine
trays a bit. Hence no room to come from underneath.
Will give a good increase in power over a std beetle carb and really just need to note the idle, main jet, emulsion tube and air jets numbers so can
have a rough idea of where to start with correct jetting.
From memory my 1641 had 55 idles, 135mains, 160 air and F9 or F6 tubes. The tubes are the finesse to making a driveable engine as these meter the main
circuit fuelling thru the rev range.