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i am possibly the biggest moron that ever lived. (be warned - long winded story)
lil dub - April 7th, 2004 at 04:57 PM

after my last post in this section you'd think i was some kind of freaking cool car person.
but no.
if you need to, go back and read my post --- don't i sound like a cocky piece of shit?????? maybe i have just got what i deserved.
such a loser!

so after feeling so good for "fixing" my door...going to sleep at night dreaming of myself and engines and radness....

went to uni today. took me an hour to find a park.

in the end i decided i just better pay for hourly parking cause i was late for my lecture and really needed to pee.

grumbled my way throuigh it all -- got my ticket -- parked--- grumble grumble oh woe is me having to spend a dollar on parking.

went to wind up my window.

i'm the biggest dickhead that ever lived.

mustnt have put the window rail thingo back on properly.

damn stupid.

needless to say i stuck a sign to my steering wheel "please dont steal i'm a poor student" and went to the uni bar and got pissed.

such is life

lil dub - April 7th, 2004 at 05:02 PM

upside of the "day from hell" though -- too pissed to sit through my classes for the rest of the afternoon (but somehow not too pissed to be able to drive myself home....funny that...)

best par t of the day tho --- this morning, in my rush to leave the house -- i reversed out of my driveway onto the uphill street. nearly stalled so must have dropped the clutch and acelrated unconsiously ---- result --- massive burnout that impressed the workmen across the street! wahoo!
that was good form.

BiX - April 7th, 2004 at 05:11 PM

Bloody good to hear abou the burn out, not so much the window though :( but such i life. Is it all being fixed now? did u break the glass or just wouldn't go up?

try this one on, going to uni and the fuel was a bit low, so thought she will be rite to get there tehn to a servo (i was running late for a presentation worth 60%!!!) got to the top of the hill (GU) and turned onto roundabout, the acr started to fart and loose power, I had run out of fuel so quickly think coasted into the parking meters near buy adn thought leave the car there, go to lecture an then go get some fuel. so went to the parking meter and worked out I had rolled to far foward and was in the no standing zone infront of the meter bays, thought no problem just dive in and roll the car back, but went for the keys, adn in my rush had left them in the ignition, so thought no problem leave car where it is, in tow away zone, with the keys stuck in the ignition and out ot petrol, but thinking about getting a mate to run me home later and get spare set, but the spare set was on teh floor of the passenger side, as I had been using the keys to fix the door lock on the passenger side.

so ended up being
-car in tow away zone!
-car had no petrol!!
-both sets of keys stuck in the locked car!!!

pod - April 7th, 2004 at 05:20 PM

and then????

BiX - April 7th, 2004 at 05:23 PM

and then went to lecture and went and got some fuel and some tools from home and broke into the car, refueled it and went home. I did have all my mates laugh at me, and the resoning was if they had to break into it to move it, so therefore that was one good thing and if somebody else broke into to it thinnking tehy could drive it away with the keys in it, they woudn't ahve any fuel. so the car was safe!

Sorry thorun I hijacked this post

$2.63 homebrand baja - April 7th, 2004 at 11:14 PM

:D thorun, I wake up each morning wondering wat dumb thing I'll do that day, more often than not fate has it already planned for me!

I have done that many stoopid things car wise I could go on for days... My crowning moment was when I had completed a baja,, took over a corner of the company factory,, the neighbouring biz's saw this little white bug dropped off one day and were curious once the grinding, banging, sanding and swearing strarted...."The chick next door is building a CAR".... I basically stripped and built a baja by myself (only help required on really heavy bits)... Eight weeks later....test drive time......had audience,, everyone from neighbouring factories came out to cheer me on....(great,,,:( how embarrassing)... went hooning up street,, to cheers, so even more people up road came out to look...... yeeehhaaa,, went up round loop,, headed back,,, wondered wtf the wobble was,,, the holy s**t... the left front wheel came off and went bouncing off down road towards a big glass window (thankfully one of the guys next door bolted off after it, catching it b4 it did any damage! caus I was too busy steering the car on the drum,, sparks flewwww!).....shocked silence turned to laughter as all realised everything was fine,,,, I put wheel back on and drove back into factory... realising I had forgotten to tighten up the nuts!!!!! I was handed a beer ..... and i sat down to lick my wounds......

Now thats embarrasing...........

$2.63 homebrand baja - April 7th, 2004 at 11:18 PM

girls can build em too u know!lol

EgeWorks - April 8th, 2004 at 08:43 AM

Everybody does stupid things while working on vehicles, don't take it too hard. At least it won't be too expensive to fix. I once mistakenly overfilled the oil on my moty and rode around on it for a couple of weeks. Needless to say lots of dollars and a very red face. Live and learn, it's the only way to go!

GL1972 - April 8th, 2004 at 09:28 AM

In 1981 I lost a rear 31" tall rear wheel the same way on my Baja. A mate and I were running around the car fitting wheels after a brake reline. I thought he and he thought I tightened the nuts.

Ripped off the rear fibreglass custom (airbrushed) guard and wrecked it. The wheel destroyed a very elaborate letter box down the road.

I know your embarrasment.


vwombat - April 8th, 2004 at 09:33 AM

Biggest Moron that ever lived? You're a rank amateur. I reckon there must be a million things I've done to qualify myself for that one. None VW related, but it's probably gonna happen real soon!

I'll start a new thread tonight in General and give some examples!



Starbug - April 9th, 2004 at 08:33 PM

Its ok... i ran out of petrol in the middle of extremely busy peak-hour traffic yesterday (yes... the day before a public holiday nonetheless.)

now that... stupidity worth crying about.

GL1972 - April 9th, 2004 at 10:48 PM

12 years ago my wife rang me late at night......."I thought if it really needed oil the light would get brighter"

Siezed engine in a Subaru 4wd!

bigbruvabob - April 10th, 2004 at 12:11 PM

Driving my girls pride and joy roadster whilst my never finishd resto id getting never finished i am always super conscious of oil levels as the motor was getting tired so leaving work in hurry grabbed roll of dunny paper preceded to car checked oil happy to see oil still good and still there closed hood drove off. Half way home look out back and masses of smoke coming out of deck lid lol. pull over just as oil light goes bing.
can u guess whats coming?
Open deck lid to see one very hot and pretty christmas tree 1600. i had left the toilet paper in the bay and the very efficient vw fan had sucked it round and round and round the engine bay and into the fan housing. result one new 1600 coming up. Not one to get common sense easily i then at a later date went to car lovers to clean said roadster. took off new $880 soft top to dry whilst chamoising car and then drove off and left it there fortunately the dude attendent was endowed with far more of the aforementioned commonsense than moir and executed a much appreciated save on my behalf