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Window rubbers?
JOE751 - January 8th, 2003 at 08:17 AM

I did read the topic on care but I was wondering where one would suggest getting them from. pref in OZ
I am about to start some needed body work and some that HAVE to be removed may not make it..also any hints on taking them out with least risk of killing them..
cheers :cool:

Unity-28 - January 8th, 2003 at 08:52 AM

What type of dub is it???

JOE751 - January 10th, 2003 at 01:44 PM

Its a 66' kombi, a few of the sides and I think the L windshield

Jay_1965vw - January 10th, 2003 at 01:50 PM

Are you respraying, or just doing repairs?

If you are respraying I would recommend replacing all of them... old rubbers don't look good on new paint. If you are doing repairs - hey :) do whatever is easiest/cheapest... No idea on how to get them out without damage. Sorry.


Queen of Chat (exiled in Canada)

Phil74Camper - January 10th, 2003 at 03:18 PM

For new rubbers, contact our sponsors or any decent VW parts shop. There are plenty in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane and they can all get West Coast Metric window rubbers for you.

As for getting the existing ones out, you need to get inside the car with socks on your feet. Lie down and put your feet on the glass, evenly spaced if possible. Have someone else stand outside to catch the window.

Now slowly and carefully...push. Don't stamp - just apply gentle, even pressure with your legs and feet. You should be able to feel the glass and rubber move. Be ready to stop when it comes loose. You can try pushing harder at one side too, but don't overdo it. The glass is tough; I've never broken a window doing it this way. Once it comes loose, you can pull the whole glass and rubber free from the outside.

Old rubbers can come up OK with some scouring with steel wool and glycerine, but usually tear when you try to reinstall them. If you're doing it properly, splurge and buy some new rubbers.

JOE751 - January 10th, 2003 at 04:09 PM

Ahh very good..I was hoping to save on replacing them all though. Does heating them help at all?
Cheers I will check out the parts places :bounce

vw54 - January 10th, 2003 at 05:56 PM

You shouldnt have to heat them at all.

just cut the outer flap layer off using a stanly knife Push gently using your feet with rubber shoes on just incase theglass breaks.

All the rubber for your Splitty are available from VVDS here in Sydney 02-9789-1777 or FAX to 02-9718-8704

jenz58 - January 10th, 2003 at 06:01 PM

Discussion about rubbers going on in General Chat as well

Is it that time of year?