Does anyone have an electric autometer speedo in there vw as I can not find a sensor that will work. They only seem to have ford or GM sensors and i
am led to believe they are a Hall Effect sender, 16 pulse per rev. does anyone know of another sender which will work.
[Edited on 5-10-2004 by Andy42]
Come on someone must know
I have seen a couple on here. I think iswinkels has one. email him on
Have sent an email thanks a heap.
VDO use a hall effect sensor are they compatible ? They have a few different types.
Is the Autometer gauge callibratable ? If so the pulses shouldn't matter to much.
damn I would hate to have to wire up your buggy ....
Yeh aparently it is programable and can be reset. Yeh I guess we will soon see how frustrated you can get with wiring :P
Calibration is 500 to 250000 pulses/kilometre. 2-16V square wave 3 wire.
Or you can go here to have a read and see what I meen. Brad it will give you something to do at work tomorrow :P
mm something to do .... I have quite enough to do thankyou ....... :kiss